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Breathe. It’s just a job interview nothing to worry about. Vitae you can do it. Just walk in with a smile and say, “I’m Vitae Dator here for the job!” big, big smile. “Miss Dator?!” I strode forward. What was it the twins had said? “Yes uh-err sir? I’m I-I’m here. For the interview?” Smooth.  “I see... take a seat.” The man had an obvious amount of beer stashed in his fridge from the size of that belly, and instead of I don’t know shaving his head he had a nice comb over-god knows what it’s covering besides fatty sunburnt skin-and was it part of the uniform to wear a golf shirt from 2018? The thing didn’t even look clean with those food stains- as for those sneakers- “Miss Dator?!”. My heart leapt. “Yes sorry what was that?” He shook his sweat beaded head eyes squinting under fatty eyelids, “I asked you if you have qualified before?” I almost shrugged but could just imagine a twin on either side whispering ‘don’t do it.’ “Um, yes sir.” He sighed a clear sign that he wanted me to elaborate. I could see where this was going...

 “What did he say?!” Asked Kristy over the phone, “don’t call me I’ll call-,”

“you,” said Kristy, Valley and I at the same time. “That bad huh?” Asked Valley I could just picture the two girls exchanging a worried glance at each other. “Yes, I told you guys that this wouldn’t work out. It never does, this is the thirteenth time I’ve tried for a job easy enough to get to with public transport. I don’t even know why I keep trying. It gets to the stage where I’m already trying to figure out an escape route.” The girls sighed on the loud speaker, “Well lovey we got to scooter; talk more on Monday,” Valley said and they both said goodbye hanging up before I could continue. My phone buzzed three times (It does this if I’ve talked on the phone or had it switched off and have messages). I scrawled down reading them all with a quick gaze;

Michael: How was the job interview? xx love you blue bird.

Mum: Chicken or did you get the job? If so let’s go to Sammie’s restraint hugs mum

Michael: Hey blue bird just telling you how much I love you xxx.

I sighed starting to text Michael how bad the interview went and how much I loved him back. Then called mum; “Vi! How did it go?” I looked at my toes stretched out before me on my light green covered bed, “I’m guessing I’ll need to cook up mums special made chicken tonight then,” I smiled at her panicked voice, “No, it’s ok I’ll microwave some macaroni,” I looked at my watch it was 6:15, “you sure?” she asked uncertain. “Yes mum I’m sure now don’t stay out too late love you, bye.” I hung up falling back onto my pillows. “Scruffy why can’t I just hold a normal conversation with a stranger?” My dog stared at me her big eyes demanding food in the cutest way possible, “yeah that’s what I thought.” I got up and walked down stares where Scruffy followed her long tail wagging high up.

“It’s all your fault!” the voice boomed my ears stung as I watched the land sink ahead of me. “Those people are dying and you are just standing there!” I sobbed, “I-I don’t know what to do!” A humourless laugh and screams from the distance, “Vitae Dator stop pretending!” I heard a wailing sound and watched a family start to drown in front of me. “I’m sorry,” I said trying to reach out to them. “Wake up!” I sprung up feeling my gut growl mum staring down at me with a disappointed look. “Vi, how many times do I have to tell you that eating is important!?” She helped me up. I must have fallen asleep.

(On hold for edits) Vitae DatorWhere stories live. Discover now