chapter 2

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TW: mention of scars, blood

Chuuya and dazai were waiting for the train while the ginger was smoking "Why did you come here? Did you forget I am at the port mafia and you at that stupid detective agency?!" Dazai took chuuya's ciggarete and put it on his mouth and played with it with his lips "Because I missed you" he said playfully and jokingly "Yeah right" the train arrived and surprisingly atsushi came out of the train, chuuya saw him and instead of panicking he looked at the bandaged man in the eyes and placed his finger on his lips, playing with him for a second and getting his hopes up, but then he just took the ciggarete and disappeared as he stepped on the train.

"Dazai-san? What are you doing here?" the bruenette smiled softly and walked with atsushi to the agency "Nothing, just seeing a friend". As they arrived at the agency kunikida started yelling "Dazai! Where were you all this days?! And why did you bought so much medicine for blood coughing?! This costs hundreds! You can't always be out you have to work!" Dazai sat on the couch and tried to tease the blonde man "Come on kunikida! You're just man I have a woman and you don't~" kunikida grabbed the bandaged man by the collar and was dead serious but talked in a low voice so that no one else could hear.

"Because you love a mass murder from the port mafia doesn't mean we can let you go to him anytime you want. You shouldn't even be seeing him." Dazai looked at kunikida with a numb look and stopped smiling "And since when you will tell me what to do?" he said and smirked again as the tall boy let go of him "come on atsushi let's get to work! There will be a murder at the train we left at 1 hour" "How do you-" "lets go~" dazai said as he put his hands behind his neck and walked down the stairs with the white haired boy following him confused.

The got in the train while it was still moving and hid in an empty cabin "Atsushi wait here for my sign" "Where are you going-?" Dazai had already left the small room and went on the one next him, there was chuuya, coughing blood on a tissue and having a red wine bottle next to him "Why aren't you taking the medicine?" "Wha-?! How did you get here?!" Dazai grabbed chuuyas chin but the ginger grabbed his hand and put it away immediately "Don't touch me like I depend on you" "You're planning on using corruption aren't you?" Chuuya went silent and took a sip of wine "That's none of your business isn't it?" Dazai sat next to him and stretched his back "I guess it isn't".

Suddenly there were gunshots and dazai pushed chuuya down so he wouldn't get hit "Is that part of your plan?" "That fuckers!" Chuuya actived his ability but before he could stand up dazai grabbed his hand and pushed him down while the ginger couldn't use his ability "Don't touch me!" "You will get killed any second, those weren't normal gunshots, they were flying at where they wanted to, that means our enemy controls gravity too" "Since when is it our enemy?! It's the mafia's business not yours!" Dazai got up and immediately got shot in the arm, as chuuya saw him he pushed him down and took his shirt off to stop dazai's bleeding. His multiple corruption scars were visible and some of them had stained blood on them.

"Don't you clean your scars?" "Why do you?! And why ask me that now youre bleeding out!" Dazai chuckled "I can't even feel it" "You're a real maniac aren't you?" Chuuya pushed dazai out after taking care of his arm and throwed him in his cabin "Atsushi-kun! It's time" atsushi asked thousands questions at a minute but dazai just grabbed his hand and found the ability user "Oh? Is that dazai osamu? The demon prodigy! I'm so glad you're here!" Suddenly chuuya appeared and actived his ability while standing next to dazai "This is between the mafia and your little dumb group, not them" "I may as well enjoy myself, arahabaki!" Chuuya went furious as he heard the crazy man call him that and started hitting him but his punches full of gravity were crushed and just hit him by the other ability user. The short man whispered to himself as he coughed some blood again "Fuck.!".

Author notes:
The next chapter is gonna be chuuya and dazai fighting and some flashbacks from the 15 era

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