chapter 3

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TW: mention of suicide, scars, blood

Dazai just stared at chuuya's naked stomach and back bleeding, he was mesmerising, he could just stare at the beautiful ginger fighting forever, even the blood he had made him look even more majestic. He was looking at how angry he was but after cursing at himself he laughed like a maniac, dazai knew what it meant. Chuuya was about to use corruption, but not only to defeat his enemy, to kill himself too.

Chuuya's whole body started filling with red marks, arahabaki was waking up, it was time that corruption was activated. Almost everyone was blown away, even atsushi that tried to hold on a sit with his claws, only dazai was there, looking at him and not taking his eyes off him for a single second.

Chuuya defeated the other organization's leader and his body was cut in half while his blood has on the floor and his eyed were wild open even if he was dead, such a horrifying scene.

But the organization's boss wasn't the only one laying on the ground, chuuya was too. His body was exhausted and so weak he couldn't even move a finger, one second more in his corrupted form and he would die, but dazai stopped him. He couldn't just stand there and watch chuuya kill himself while he can stop corruption, he just couldn't. He doesn't like feeling empathy and emotions for others but chuuya was his ex partner. He couldn't just let him die. Could he?

He took him to his house and left atsushi laying on a bench outside of the train station, he put chuuya on his bed and ran his hand through his ginger curly hair softly "why?" He asked the short man as he was asleep. He put on a shirt on chuuya so he wouldn't get cold and let him sleep and went on to make some coffee and go buy some groceries.

When he got back he saw chuuya on the bathroom looking at himself in disguise as he looked and touched his scars and bruises. "Chuuya?" "Oh you're back" "Stop touching them they will get infected" the red headed man put his hair on a ponytail "they're ugly, I'm fucking disgusting, what a pity" he said and rolled his eyes. Suddenly a hand touched his and he felt a pair of lips kissing his scars, dazai's sore lips were on chuuya's scars, they were soft and it felt like the bruenette's lips healed the bruises, it made him feel safe"Wha- what are you doing?!" "Kissing your bruises, they're beautiful to me" chuuya moved his hand away from dazai and wore a shirt.

"I'm gonna give it to you tomorrow" dazai smiled and gave chuuya some meds "They are for your insomnia" "How did you know I have insomnia?" "Did you forget I read your little 'diary'" he said playfully "Yeah whatever" he said as he grabbed the meds and walked out of the door.


Dazai was drinking his morning coffee when someone knocked on his door "Dazai-san! It's an emergency!" the bruenette got up and opened the door to atsushi that was trying to take a breath, it seemed like he was running "Kyouka! The port mafia took her again!" Dazai wore his coat and ran to the agency with the white haired boy "kunikida don't go all running to the port mafia, you can't go without a plan you know" dazai got a gun and gave one to atsushi too "Atsushi you will go from the back door and find akutagawa, but be careful there are cameras everywhere, kunikida you go from the front and distract them with bombs, and I will go get kyouka" the blonde man hit dazai in the back of his neck "Don't you dare flirt with the arahabaki user while we are on a mission." Dazai chuckled "Of course not kunikida-kun~" he said playfully as kunikida rolled his eyes.

Dazai was in the room that they held their hostages just to see the little purple haired girl beaten up on the floor, she smiled as she opened her eyes slowly and saw the bruenette "D-dazai?" "Sush" he said and closed her mouth as he heard footsteps.

The man that was making the footsteps walked towards kyouka and as he saw dazai he punched him and he went flying and coughing "How dare you come here like you're invited to a tea party?! You think I'm stupid you waste of bandages!" Chuuya looked at kyouka on the floor with pity "Kouyou will come take care of you, as for you dazai you're captured again because of your stupidity thinking you could trick me" chuuya put chains on the bandaged boy's hands and pinned him in a wall with his knife, his leg between his "Don't you dare do one of your silly little tricks, the Port mafia isn't that weak as you think" suddenly the ginger coughed some blood and walked away "I better see you here so I can kill you with excitement" dazai smiled

"Of course chuuya! I will be here waiting, even though getting killed by you is so gross" chuuya clicked his tongue and walked away "What are we gonna do?" Kyouka said with a weak voice "Kouyou will let you go, I'm sure of it".

Kouyou let kyouka go but sit and talked with dazai "You think he depends on you? That he can't live without you? Get out of his life dazai, because you feel needed doesn't mean you are" "If I didn't save him from corruption he would have killed himself, you know he has tried much times jumping off a cliff?" Kouyou looked away for a second and sighed "I know, but if he wants to kill himself and get out of the hell in his body then let him be, it's not your bussiness." Dazai smirked "So you want me to let him die? Alright" the red haired woman left the room without saying a thing as dazai was still captured and left in the basement of the port mafia.

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