chapter 6

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Chuuya woke up to his body aching, it was the middle of the night, he looked at the clock, yawning, 4:06am, he got up to wash his face, water splashed on his face but he looked at himself in pity on the mirror, staring at his bare thighs that were wrapped with some loose bandages and shorts because it was a hot night.

He then went back to sleep and woke up some hours later to go to the mafia headquarters, mori ougai needed to see him. He got dressed and brushed his silky ginger hair, snached his keys and left.

He knocked on mori's office door since last time that he didn't he saw the disgusting man undressing the underage girl Elise, he didn't want to experience that again. "Come in" he slightly opened the door just to see the black haired middle age man smiling at him "you asked for me?" "Yeah I did chuuya-kun, I have been hearing that you're interacting with dazai-kun is that true?" the redhead choked on his own spit, silence filled the room.

"Chuuya-kun? Is it true?" the short man sighed, took a deep breath and finally replied "yeah it is" mori lost the smirk that was plastered on his face "You can do whatever you want with him but if any of the mafia files or information leaks, there will be punishment" chuuya bowed down "yes sir" "you can go now" he quickly left without a word, biting his lips.

While walking home he bought some ciggaretes and groceries since his fridge and drawers were empty, when he unlocked the front wooden door he saw a shadow inside his house "what the fuck" he said to himself as he walked towards the door and got ready to activate his ability suddenly he saw the bruenette sleeping on the couch or pretending to sleep "get up shithead. If you come near me again I'm going to fucking murder you. Your time is done I'm not falling for your tricks again I'm not a foolish 15 year old now"

"Goodmorning to you too chuuya" the ginger kicked him on the face with his foot and raised his head by pulling his hair "you have 5 minutes to leave the house" dazai got up and grabbed his coat "alright, no need to be mean" "want to remind you the time you drugged me?" the bruenette chuckled and left but stopped and opened his mouth but no words came out "what?" "Nothing" he said and disappeared in seconds.

He cleaned his wounds and went outside for a smoke, he was shirtless and only wearing a pair of jeans, his hair caressing in the wind and he sighed as the cold breeze ran through his bruises and skin, suddenly he collapsed. Blood on the ground as he was trying to keep his eyelids open "s-shit" and with his vision blurry, there he was, a snipper that shot him from miles away, he didn't even finish his ciggarete, and there he was, a half dead body laying on the balcony, crimson liquid dripping everywhere.

Was he dead? He couldn't feel his body, he couldn't see anything, he could only hear whispers, it was arahabaki, he knew it. "You can't escape me" he said in a monsterous voice "you're a tool, my vessel, I'm using your body" chuuya felt like something was choking him, like he couldn't breath or scream, he was drowning, nobody would hear him. Roses and thorns were growing inside him, killing him and hurting him slowly. Was that death? That's what it felt like?

- Kill yourself

that's what arahabaki was saying, again and again, the same thing, but chuuya wasn't even trying anymore, it was pointless. The spark or glow in his eyes wasn't there, his body was numb. Suddenly from a distant he heard a voice screaming at him.

- chuuya!

someone was repeating his name, he could see something now, a figure trying to reach him, yelling at him to wake up but even if that person tried, he couldn't reach him.

- chuuya!

Author's notes:
I hate this chapter so much but I had to update, I swear the next one will be longer and better

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