Chapter 19

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*~(Third person's pov.)~*

Nothing could prepare them.

Deva rested in a coma-like state with war just barely over the horizon. The Sun and Moon Empires signed a peace treaty until 404 was dealt with. Then came another Empire that helped them stop more of 404's forces.

It only took a span of two days for all of this to happen while Deva lay in a coma state. Frozen and unresponsive. Nightmare and Dream took turns or even together to get into Deva's dream state but it was for not. Whatever spell 404 used was creating a false reality in their dreams. To secure their happiness before cruelty began.

Bardo never strayed from Deva with Genesis right near the two little guardians inside the tree until the war was over. Everyone in the group helped around as much as they could, talking to Deva, trying to get a reaction, protecting Bardo, and so much more. Oddly enough, it felt empty in a way without Deva's presence.

And it's been two months since the other fell into a coma.

Nightmare and Error were watching over Deva, Bardo, and Genesis while the former was trying to get into the other dream state.

"My Moon?"

Nightmare sighed as he looked at Deva in slight defeat. Turning away from the moment he looked at his beloved as they held his hand with concern.

"Sorry, love. Whatever the spell was has made an absolute paradise that will take months on end or years given how woven it was."

Error eye sockets softened as they saw some defeat in the other's expression. Dream-walking wasn't magic that many could do as walking among dreams was dangerous and odd. The only reason they could do it was thanks to their emotion-based magic evolving in a way to involve the subconscious.

"My King, Deva will wake up. Time is just of the essence at the moment."

"I know. I'm afraid to lose them."

"My Moon, they'll survive. You and Dream will figure a way to wake them."


*~(???/Deva's pov)~*

I jolted as my eyes wandered over my room. Nothing was out of place or even out of place. But something beats deep in me, sending signals of unnaturalness toward me. 

Hmm, looks like I have to talk to Mom again.

She did say that I could sense malevolent spirits due to inheriting it from her. That was a fun day, I almost cried in fear after just seeing a video of a highly haunted place. Chills and pins poked and prodded down my spine while also begging me to look away. And it was only one second in when that happened. Mom said sorry to me, saying I got it from her.

She calls herself a medium and I, unfortunately, inherited that. While she learned to control that, I didn't as nothing called for me to control it all that well as spirits and ghosts don't gravitate to me at all. Instead, they seem to bother Mother a lot more than me and I figure that Mom did something to protect me.


Shaking my head I looked up to see her coming into my room. Belle immediately runs in while jumping onto my bed and looking outside. It was quite nice outside, not going to lie.

"Hey, Mom, what's wrong?"

She rose a brow at me.

"I'm watching over you and you're sister until Grandme and Grandpe come back."

I frown abit as I looked out the window. That reminds me, what day is it?


No, no, I'm pretty sure it was Tuesday. I remember that today was Tuesday and my grandparents wanted to go on a date for themselves.

No, it's Friday.

No, it's Tuesday. Wait, who am I even talking to?

The world seemed to glitch for a moment to my utter confusion. Then I found myself sitting in a hammock in the backyard. Sunlight streamed down on me as the Grand Old Oak swayed above me. Birds and the wind chirped around as the sunlight beamed down. But that wasn't going to distract me.

The world glitched. How? Are those others on the internet correct on the simulation theory?

Suddenly, I remembered the dream I had before. Where I was a skeleton and interested in two certain others. Along with the odd phone call after the nap. Actually, now that I look back at my memories, there were several things that don't match up.

One, I had a sister that wasn't all that nice and if she was then it would only last a few days at best. But, she's been nice for three FUCKING weeks. That is not normal for her.

Second, I never had a music box that played Hopes & Dreams from Undertale yet I have it now.

Third, my walls were light pink on one side and then yellow on another but they were now galaxy in color with star constellations.

And finally, I had multiple plushies and games that I wanted in my life but could never have due to finding them too expensive.

It was like my dreams are now my reality.

A paradise.

No, not my paradise. Sure, I still have wants and wishes but I learned to accept them. I'm happy with my life.

You're happier here, with a perfect life.

No, this doesn't make me happier actually.

It makes me miss them even more.

This is perfection, this is what you wanted.

Yes, it is something I wanted once. But not anymore. I was quite happy with my life in a way.

No, you weren't.

And how can you be certain?


You may have found many of my wishes but they weren't my happiness.

Then where are your perfection?

My memories. I could never forget nor deny they fill me with so many emotions. My memories prove that I'm loved and that's all I want.



This is false. Your sentence is false. Ẏ̵̻ọ̶́u̵̩͑ ̴͇͂à̸̧r̷͙̓e̸̼̿ ̷̤̑w̷̺̐r̷̛̼ò̸̖ṉ̵̄ǵ̴̫.̴͖͗

Even if I'm wrong, I don't want your approval. You don't matter to me.

...W̷̻̐ ̵̩̊H̴̝̊ ̵͇̆A̴͖͗ ̸̗̏T̷̘̒ ̷̧̃?̸̗͐

Like my mother always told me, ignore the idiots around you. Only the ones you acknowledge matter to you, not them.


Are you alright? Mx. ?

Y̴̯̿Ö̸̯́U̸̬͆ ̵̲̐F̷͔̃U̷̬̽C̸͉̐K̸̛̯I̶̢̕N̵̰͑G̴̫̓ ̸̤̈B̴̥̓R̴̖̚A̴͓̒T̷̯͒!̸̟̐!̶̧̃!̴͎́


Meaning of the Glitch Text in order:

-You are wrong.

-W H A T ?



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