Nevermore Years (pt1)

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Nevermore was a place for outcasts, those who do not belong. Their head principal Alexander Weems, was the head principal of nevermore academy. It was Morticia Frump's first day of nevermore. As the Frump family entered the main doors of nevermore students were laughing, talking and running all over the corridors with joy.

"Ah, nevermore how I've missed this old place." Alice frump said (Morticia's mom) as she smiled at her husband.

"Yes, it's been centuries since my love." Oliver frump (Morticia's dad) replied to his wife.

"Is nevermore this loud and noisy?" Young Morticia frump said an annoyed tone within her words.

"Don't worry Morticia you will love it here." Alice said patting her daughter's long silky hair.

Young Larissa weems saw the the frump family as she walks by.

"Excuse me." Larissa said as she walks to the frump family with books on her hands. They were surprised, they didn't notice Larissa was there standing in front of them.

"Hm? Who's this?" Morticia thought to herself.

"Ah child, i didn't see you there, do you need anything?" Alice said.

"Are you the Frump family?" Larissa said. Looking at them with her hypnotizing blue eyes.

"Yes we are, how did you know?" Oliver said curiously.

"The principal is waiting for you at his office." She said.

"Ah thank you dear." Alice said smiling at the tall kid in front of her.

"Would you like me to accompany you to the principal office?" She said politely.

"Thank you dear." Alice said.

[ At The Principal Office]

As they walk to the door were the principal of the school office is Larissa stoped. The family behind her stopped as well. Larissa took a sharp breath before knocking..

"Mr principal.. the frump family is here." She said.

"Let them in!" A man said behind the door. Larissa followed her father's orders and opened the door without saying a word.

"Please come in.." Larissa whispered to the family as she holds the door to let them in looking at the floor. As the family walked in Larissa slowly closed the door behind them.

"Mr and mrs frump, lovely to see you two." He said with a welcome smile.

"It has been awhile alex, how are you?" Oliver said with a smile.

"You know him father?" Morticia said as she looks up to her father with curious eyes. Her father looked at Morticia with a smile and nodded.

"Please sit!" Alexander said with a warming smile that can lit up the whole room. The family sat at the chairs in front of the desk.

"So you must be Morticia, she is a beautiful child indeed." He said as he laid back at his chair.

"What about you alex? Where's your child?" Oliver said.

"You already met her." He said, grinning at them.

"We did?" Alice said, with confusion in her eyes.

"That tall blonde girl earlier was your kid?" Morticia said looking at the man. The parents surprised at their daughters words.

"You really are a smart child, Morticia." He said, smiling at the child.

"She was your child alex? I didn't noticed!" Oliver said, surprised.

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