Another one [pt5]

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Adaline and Wednesday were driving back to nevermore. They both were silent.

"Thank you for driving me to see mother." Wednesday broke the silence between them.

"It's alright, its good to see your mother for the last time." She smiled softly.

"Why was she holding that piece of paper?"

"I suspect that was my note i left for her." Wednesday looked at her, her eyes widen out of curiosity. "She must have read the whole thing." Her smiled faded as she said that.

"I see, well she did believe that you died." Wednesday looked outside. Her phone rang again. Adaline reached out to her phone.

"Principal Vespertine?" Vespertine did not respond instead..

"Miss Adaline?!" Enid was the one holding her phone. Wednesday heard Enid's voice and immediately looked at her.

"Enid? What's going on? Why do you have principal Vespertine's phone?" Adaline was concerned, she slowly pressed the gas pedal.

"Principal Vespertine passed out! She needs help! Please come back!!" Enid shouted.

"Okay were coming! Stay there and keep an eye on principal Vespertine!" Adaline heard the other students cries on the phone.

"O-okay!" Their call ended. Adaline placed her phone and started driving. Fast.

5 minutes later.

Enid was at the main garden of nevermore frantically walking back and forth, waiting anxiously for Adaline with Vespertine's phone. Adaline's car entered the gates of nevermore. They both exited the car.

"Where is she?!" Adaline asked Enid.

"At the nurses office!" Adaline ran to the entrance.

With Vespertine

Vespertine was still unconscious, nurses were all over her bed. Students were outside they all were concerned. Adaline was outside and saw the students outside the nurses office.

"Go to your dorm!" Adaline shouted. The students left the nurses office. Adaline entered. Adaline walked up to one of the nurses. "Is she going to be okay?!" The nurse smiled and nodded at Adaline. Adaline let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Thank you." Adaline smiled. She slowly walked up to Vespertine's bed and sat next to her bed.

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