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A/n - Helloooo! Ive got another story up right now, called, "Unexpected Experiment"

It was my first story and Im still learning how to write properly as english isnt my first language.

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*ring* ... *ring*

As I picked up my phone to answer the call, I sat on my bed, I hadn't left my bed since I fell asleep, and now it is 12 a.m.

"hello?" I said, lazily, unaware of who it was.

"Hi Rui!" Exclaimed the person on the end of the call.

I recognised that sweet voice, it was my dear, tsukasa. He has always been cheerful and had dreams of becomjng a future star. He formed a group, known as 'wonderland x showtime' which includes me, nene, emu and him. We are all the bestest of friends but something about Tsukasa is special. Im heavily interested in him but im sure ill be rejected. No doubts.

"Would you mind coming to pheonix Wonderland after school on Monday? We need to finish the script! I promised the kids a performance before the end of this year. I want to make this a special one which includes lots of snow!"

"Oh, sure, I wouldnt mind!" I tried to seem happy as usual, but im slowly breaking down.

At school, when im seperated from Tsukasa , as he is in different classes, I get bullied in real life and online for being the school weirdo and being ugly, buts its not very frequent. However, when Tsukasa is around, people back off and give me a sense of safety and belonging. Despite this, I remain strong and confident in my own identity, and take pride in my own unique characteristics, thats what I always say. But Im slowly breaking down into small pieces.

There are times when I feel very alone and insecure. I worry that Tsukasa will find someone better than me, and that our relationship will change. I also worry about what other people think of me, and whether or not they are laughing at me behind my back.

"Okay! Bye Rui!!"

And just like that, the call ended and I was alone, once again. I set my phone at my messy desk as I sat down on my chair.

I grabbed my notebook and flicked to the next clean page and sketched Tsukasa in different costumes.
It was a way of escaping my own worries, even if only temporarily, and I felt a sense of happiness when I imagined a world where Tsukasa was happy.

I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn't be able to fill the void I felt, but my drawings gave me a sense of purpose and comfort.

I went on my phone, searching for something I could do about my pure ugliness. I swiped down until I found a website that caught my eye. I pressed on it and it was rubbish.
I looked at other websites that recommended makeup but I already wear it but I still look horrible.


I was so engrossed in finding something that works that I had completely lost track of the time.
I looked at my final option, rituals. I was hesitant to try something so unconventional, but I knew I had to do something to get rid of my stress.With no other choice, I decided to take a leap of faith and give rituals a chance.
. Taking a deep breath, I dove headfirst into the unknown, hoping to discover something that could save me from my inner turmoil.

----No ones POV----

Rui was home alone, he headed towards his livingroom with a bunch of candles and chalk. He left all of his stuff on the couch as he slowly drew on the floor. He was hesitant at first, if it doesnt work, he will just cover all od this mess under the carpet. Rui began creating a demonic symbol that he believed would give him access to a power beyond his control. Rui was desperate for answers, and he hoped that this symbol would provide him with the relief he was searching for.

Setting the candles down, he chanted the words he had to say to summon what he had been waiting to see since a few minutes ago. He stood back,


He was so stupid to think that it would actually work. Rui soon realized that what he thought was a solution was nothing more than a foolish fallacy. He was about to leave until, he saw something, a hand reaching from underneath the floor boards? There wasnt even a crack!? Almost as if something was lifting itself up, a tall figure lifted itself from the undergound, his plan worked, leaving him stunned and amazed at the sheer brilliance of his plan - a plan he had thought would fail.

Though he was frightened by the sight, he stood back as the figure re-adjusted its twisted arms and legs. Rui stared, if someone else was in his position, they wouldve ran away screaming, but he didnt do any of that, just staring at it, frozen.
His success was unexpected, yet undeniable, rui was in awe of his ingenuity - an ingenuity he had once doubted. He remained still, an eerie stillness seizing his body as if he were a statue. A smile that had never been seen before formed on his face.

"My, my, my poor young boy? What may you wish for?"
Asked the unknown person, staring right into ruis soul as if he was about to suck it right out of him.

"I- I-"
Rui couldnt get his words out, overwhelmed with both fear and excitement.

"I want to be!- beautiful!" Rui exclaimed, as if he were a maniac.

"My, i had never seen a male say that.

Rui nodded aggressively, hinting the thing to hurry tf up. He couldnt believe it, he was going to be beautiful!

"As you wish, but as it would be unfair on my side, you must agree to hurt yourself, minium once a week. A bruise or cut would be perfect."

Rui wasnt thinking straight, without hesitation he agreed without knowing what he just got himself into.
And just like that, he collapsed on the ground, passed out.

The figure had a sinister grin as it slowly left from where it came from.

Will rui regret ever doing this ritual or not?



Word count:1080

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