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This story is set in winter btw so enjoy

Then a girl approached them...

"G-good morning! Here take this." She said nervously as she shoved a letter into Tsukasa's hands.


Even though it was unclear, Rui shouldn't need to be overawed, since it was Tsukasa who would be dealing with it anyway.
Tsukasa carefully opened the letter, revealing a small card inside. With experienced hands, Tsukasa effortlessly read the contents of the letter.
Suddenly, his jaw dropped. A smile spread across his face as he held the card close to his heart.

Rui felt another sharp pain, this time on his neck but he didnt even bother.

"Tsukasa? Is there something wrong?"
Rui asked.

"Nothing!" He blurted out in excitement as he smiled.

Rui was curious, maybe he was invited to something special? Or.... Nevermind. Rui shouldnt think of that. It will dissapoint him.

"Well, whatever it was, you seem to be very excited about it."

"Absolutely!" Tsukasa seemed to be proud of himself for once after all of the tragic events that happened today.

"Tsukasa, would you like to trade lunches...?" Rui asked as if Tsukasa hasnt suffered enough, having vegetable sandwiches everyday, because rui is dumb enough to buy something he doesnt even like.

Everyday, when rui does this, Tsukasa think whether he even has a brain in there or if he has no thoughts at all.
He bet that if you knocked on his head it would echo.

"Sure.. Im not very fond of what my mum gave me today anyway. I love her cooking but she packed me something right out of the stores."

Slowly, Tsukasa hands his food to rui and rui does the same with his.

"Thanks Kasa-kun!" He exclaims with his cat smile.
He was so head over heels for that man.
Tsukasa frowned? What? Why?
Rui was confused, did his smile bother him? Or was it something else? Rui decided not to say anything about it.

"Uhm, today, I was thinking about sitting with someone else today, so.. see you in english."

Before Rui could respond, Tsukasa was already off. Did he do something? At the minute, his mind was full of negative questions that he would prefer not to know the answer to, which would save him a lot of tears tonight if he knew what the answers were.

He just sat there.


For a couple of minutes.

Eating Tsukasa's lunch


With no one to accompany him.

It was dead silent until the bell rang, reminding him he had to go to his next class. He packed his stuff and set off. In the halls, he got a lot of compliments, leading to him being late, once again.

"Excuse me? Why are you late?" The teacher lectured.

"Dunno." He said, at least he was being honest.

He also noticed, Tsukasa changed seats to sit next to the girl that approached the both of them before. Now, Rui sits alone. It hit him hard but he saw Tsukasa was happy, that made him relieved. As long as he was happy. Rui decided to focus on his work, as he had no one to talk to during the lesson anymore. He felt awkward the whole time, sometimes, he wishes that he could control what people do. He wished he could make Tsukasa sit next to him again, but he seemed too busy and invested in his conversation with that girl. What was this feeling? Was he jealous because Tsukasa is talking to someone who isnt him? That is messed up, Rui cursed himself for thinking such a thing. He should be proud Tsukasa is so social. He should be proud he has lots of friends.

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