Chapter 14

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"Please tell me you've fixed her," Noah said as Aria looked at the college boy.

"This has nothing to do with your mother, Caleb. Maybe she played a part in all of it, but it wasn't entirely her fault. Ella had all these goals set up that she wanted to reach. We're 17 and haven't achieved that much. It's not just me feeling like that. Ella feels lost and she just needs to find herself again," Aria said.

"Bull crap. She knows who she is," Noah said.

"You didn't when you were 17. Trust me, I know. How can we help her then?" Caleb asked.

"Support her. Regardless what she says. Try to guide her rather than push her away," Aria said.

"Aria, I know my sister, and I know something bigger is going on. So what about you go back to your happy life with loving siblings and stuff, and leave the grown up stuff for the grown ups? Your head doesn't think much further than prom anyway," Noah said as Caleb looked at his brother.

"That isn't true and you know that. Aria came all this way late at night to help with her best friend," Caleb said.

"She came late at night to see you. Logan was right. She's in love with you," Noah said as Aria grabbed her bag.

"When your brother has stopped being a jerk, let me know. I'll see you tomorrow," Aria said as she left the house.

"Really, Noah?" Caleb asked as he went upstairs.

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