En Route

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Ava was in a nightgown that had not left her body in a few suns, sitting in the same position she was in that morning even though it was getting dark out once again. She hadn't changed or moved. Food had been brought to her, and her bath had been drawn in her chambers, but she had ignored it all. She was staring out the window when her isolation came to an end.

"You haven't left your apartments since the night of the trial," Viv said as she entered, "I even have Oceane coming to me worried."

"It's been two suns. You shouldn't start getting worried until it's been a cycle," Ava answered as she pulled a blanket over her shoulders.

"You go to The Center in twelve suns. Your father wants me to make sure you are prepared."

Ava pulled her attention from the window and pivoted, facing Viv and the rest of her room.

"Prepared for what?"

"Everything, apparently," she held up a stack of papers, "was thinking we could spend the night in the library going over this."

"What's wrong with the room?"

Viv looked around and she looked to be stifling a small laugh, "Princess, you haven't been out in quite some time. Maybe it will do you some good."

"No, thank you," Ava turned back around but Viv pulled her away from the window and made her place her feet on the floor.

"You have no choice in the matter," Viv said as she grabbed a dressing robe from the couch and wrapped it around her.

Ava was pushed out and she trudged down the hallways of the estate. It was far emptier than it had been since she had arrived. Court was over and it was two cycles before preparations began for the next season. The library, like the hallways, lacked anyone that would disturb them. Viv put Ava into a chair and dragged over a small table before she took her own seat.

"Can you name the ten Councilmen?" Viv asked.

"Vaith. Ammyrett. Scout. Oglebur. El-Umandi," Ava hesitated for a second, "Lorest-"

"Lorest isn't on the Council. They are a South Efritian house and as such are barred from having a seat," Viv clicked her tongue, "A noble girl and Councilmen's daughter, and you can't name all ten houses that sit on the Council?"

"You name them then."

"Vaith. Ammyrett. Scout. Oglebur. El-Umandi. Barthes. Sevar. Bric'tea. Qualite. Krim," Viv put the papers down and sat back in her chair, "can you name where each of them come from?"

"Can you just tell me? I don't want to play your game."

"I'm not playing a game. I am actually being agreeable. I just want to establish a baseline. We have twelve suns and the journey to get you ready, beyond even what your father has commanded you to learn. Can you name each of the houses and their locations?"

"The houses of Vaith and Scout reside in Elox. Ammyrett and El-Umandi in Efriti," Ava wracked her brain for the remaining names but she had lost them, "Qualite from The Twins."

"Why do you say that?"

"They have quarries and Qualite sounds like that," Ava shrugged.

"We have so much to go through," Viv sighed a bit.

"I know things. I am not unintelligent. I just need refreshers, it has slipped my mind a bit."

Viv stood up, scanning the books on a shelf near them, picking one out, "Basics of our current history. I will give you a few hours to refresh and I will be back with questions."

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now