CH 1 - Monday Blues

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7:50 AM
"AKITO WAKE UP ITS ALREADY 7:50 & YOUR SCHOOL STARTS IN 10 MINUTES!!!" shouted Ena Shinonome standing in the doorway of Akito Shinonome's room! Akito groaned and slowly got out of bed.
Like usual, Akito was ready in minutes and was already leaving the house with an apple in his hand. Now, he was the one waiting for Ena. "Ena you better finish looking at the mirror for the 100th time, you woke up like an hour ago yet I'm still ready before you," Akito said while eating an apple for breakfast. "Sorryyy I'm here let's go!" said Ena and they left the house. Since Ena only attends the part-time night classes, she only accompanied Akito about half way to school before going ahead to her own personal life.

8:05 AM
It was a Monday so of course Akito was in a bad mood arriving to school. School technically started at 8:00 but all classes were at 8:10 so Akito had a few minutes to spare before heading to his first class. An was on disciplinary committee as usually checking to see if all the arriving students were following school dress codes. "Hey An," said Akito upon seeing her while entering the school. An waved to him and nodded with a slight smile before saying "Hi". Somehow, that made Akito's day a little bit brighter and he headed off to his first class feeling optimistic.

4:00 PM
The bell rang dismissing An from her geometry class and the last class of the day. Finally, I'm out of that torture, An thought as she exited the math classroom and walked towards the school exit so she could meet up with her band mates for an afternoon practice. She noticed Akito was a little bit up ahead. For some strange reason, seeing Akito made An a bit happier since her best friend Mizuki was absent today she was pretty lonely at school. "AKITO! WAIT UP!" An shouted enthusiastically. Akito looked back to see An running towards him. "Tch what do you need?" said Akito keeping his rivalry shining towards An. "Dude, no need to be so rough, we're heading in the same place anyways," An said while walking next to Akito. "Whatever," said Akito in response. As they exited the school, it was raining. Not even only raining, it was pouring and the streets were drenched. "Ah just my luck that I happened not to be wearing a waterproof jacket today," said Akito grumpily. "Hah loser!," said An as she unraveled her umbrella and smirked at Akito. Akito quickly put his hood up which didn't really help as he still felt the water being drenched in his hair. "Oh what a sorry sight," said An sarcastically. "Shut up," Akito groaned. Somehow, out of nowhere the rain just started pouring even harder. An felt bad all of a sudden and moved her umbrella in a motion so it covered both An and Akito's heads and tippy-toed to pull down his hood. Oh my god, why did I just do that!? thought An blushing. Akito just looked at her covering her face and decided it would be best not to say anything. And they just continued walking to their band practice room in silence.

4:27 PM
"Oh where are they, it's been like 10 minutes since they were supposed to arrive," said Kohane worriedly. "It's probably because of the rain, I'm sure they'll be here soon," said Toya in response. "Oh no! What if they're drenched in rain or worse they got hurt!" Kohane shrieked. "Calm down, I doubt that would happen, well for An at least, I can imagine Akito drenched forgetting to wear a waterproof jacket," said Toya chuckling. Suddenly, the door barged open. "Sorry guys! It was raining heavily! but we're here!" An shouted enthusiastically upon seeing Kohane and Toya. "Woah your not soaked Akito? That's a new sight coming from you!" said Toya sarcastically. Akito just waved at Toya and sat down next to him before saying "yeah An lent me her umbrella shade." At unison, Toya and Kohane said "WHAT!?" because since Vivid Bad Squad joined together An and Akito have had the biggest rivalry. "It's not that big of a deal, anyways what song are we practicing today," said An trying to change the topic. Kohane noticed An doing this as they were very close friends and just went along with her without questioning it, "we have a concert in a few weeks I was thinking we could practice our new singles Awake Now and Beat Eater," Kohane said. All four members got ready in their positions and practiced the songs a few couple of times.

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