CH 4 - Weekend Plans pt. 2

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This is part 2 of the previous chapter following Mizuki, Ena, An, and Akito during their experience shopping at the mall, enjoy~!

"The food has arrived!" shouted Mizuki as they arrived with Ena at the table where An and Akito were waiting for them. "What took you guys so long, we've been waiting for years" Akito said grumpily upon their arrival. "The lines were so long, but anyways, here's your ice cream An!" Mizuki replied back as they gave the ice cream to An. An took a bite and went "mmm! Rum raisin ice cream, this will always be my favorite!" while smiling widely with some leftover ice cream smudged on her face. "Heh! I should try it one day, after hearing all you say about it, it must be good!" Mizuki responded optimistically seeing her friend so joyous from the ice cream. While the two were talking, it came to Akito's attention of the ice cream smudged on An's face. Without thinking, he seized the opportunity to clean it off her face with a brush of his thumb, "Ah, you have some ice cream smudged over there." "Eh!?!" An squealed while blushing, it wasn't like Akito to do a kind gesture like that causing her to react in shock. Suddenly, Akito realized what he had just done, and a tint of red had shown on his face as he was left speechless, Akito what did you just do.. dammit, he thought. This did not fail to come to his older sister, Ena's attention, and she decided to interrupt this awkward moment, "Oh my, what a gentlemen Akito is when it comes to his lady~" This only caused Akito's face to become even more red, as did An's face, while neither of them said anything from the embarrassment they were feeling. After a minute or two, Akito decided to say "Shut up Ena, we aren't in a relationship or anything weird like that, you're just making it awkward." Although he had said that, it was shown on his face that he definitely didn't think so. She hated to admit it but hearing Akito completely deny anything going between him and An, her mood went down negatively a notch, but she didn't know the reason why? "Eh, you sure lil brosef? It seems to me like you guys are reaaally close~" Mizuki said towards Akito in attempts to tease him more. "Akiyama, if you don't shut up right now, I'm leaving all these bags for you and Ena to carry alone..." Akito said with a face that showed he meant it. "Geez, you don't have to be so boring," said Mizuki disappointingly.

"Which bow looks cuter, the blue one or the purple one?" Mizuki shouted as she shoved 2 bows in front of Ena's face. "The purple one definitely, how much is it? I might get one for myself too!" Ena responded optimistically. As the two fussed over hair accessories, on the other side of the shop, Akito and An were looking at the earrings display. "Hm, this one is cute, but I don't know if it would match with my aesthetics" An said as she put down the earring she was holding. "You know An, you always wear that star earring, don't you?" Akito said as he looked at the silvery earring dangling from her ear. "Mhm! It will always be my favorite, it's cute, right?" An said while smiling, "but, I do wish I could find another pair to alternate it with, none of the earrings I see ever seem to match with me." Akito noticed her sad expression on her face and said "I bet I could find a pair that would look nice on you, I do work as a fashion-clerk part time." "Hah, nice try Akito, we both know you aren't that nice!" An replied back. "No, I'm serious," he said as something shiny caught the corner of his eye, it was an earring set with two matching pairs, "Hey, what about this?" "You do realize that's a set made for two people right Akito?" An said confused. "Yeah, one pair for you, and one for me" he said and instantly regretted it as he noticed on the packaging it had labeled the set as "Matching Couple Earrings." An also noticed this, but she saw the look on Akito's face and knew he probably didn't notice and just said "sure Akito! I think it would look good on us!" while smiling her usual smile that made Akito blush. "A-ah, alright, I'll pay for them," Akito said as he scurried away to the cash register. Little did they know, Mizuki and Ena had been watching the whole time and taken a video of the two.

"Ahh, I'm so tired from shopping!" An said tiredly as the four of them finally exited the mall after hours of shopping. " I agree completely with you," Akito replied, feeling the weight of all of Ena's bags on his arms. Mizuki sighed before saying, "I don't know what you guys are saying but I could never get enough of shopping!" Ena nodded in agreement with Mizuki before linking her arm with theirs. Suddenly, Akito had remembered the matching earrings he had bought for himself and An and remembered that he wanted to do something really important before they left the mall. "Wait! Give us a sec, we'll be right back!" Akito said as he grabbed An's arm and took her away somewhere far from Mizuki and Ena. "I wonder what's so important that he needs to be secret about it," Ena chuckled. "I told you, they're made for each other!" Mizuki said remembering everything that had been happening between An and Akito recently.

"Akito! What was that for!?" An shouted at the boy in front of her dragging her away. Akito didn't respond and suddenly removed the star earring from An's ear to replace it with the one he had bought earlier today. "See I told you, it would look good on you, I have excellent taste," he said proudly admiring how the earring looked on her ear. An looked into her phone camera before saying, "I hate to admit it, but this does look good on me, thanks Akito.." Akito moved some of the hair covering his ear and leaned closer to An to show the matching earrings perched on his ear, "it looks good on me too, right? This pair surely does suit us." An nodded smiling before saying, "we should head back now, thanks again Akito!" but a faint blush did not fail to reach her face.

Author's Note: I love the idea of An and Akito having matching earrings, hehe! Hope you liked this chapter ending akian's shopping mall experience! Stay tuned for more akian in the following chapters~

Author's Note: I love the idea of An and Akito having matching earrings, hehe! Hope you liked this chapter ending akian's  shopping mall experience! Stay tuned for more akian in the following chapters~

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they're so cuteeeeee aaaaaa, akian on my mind all day, everyday

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