Part 1: 'Things To Do: Remember'

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"Alright, let's begin, shall we?"


Your head is pounding. You can't remember what the hell happened, but now you're-


No no no, you can remember what happened.

Where's the filing cabinet?


You pause and panic for a second. Your eyes widen and your breathing quickens.

Shit shit shit, where-

Ah. There it is. You stare at it, looking for inconsistencies with last time. Inconsistencies sometimes happen, you know? But not this time. There aren't any incidents with this case. And that's good! That means you won't have to talk to them to figure it out.

Good. That's great.

You pull open the drawer that's labeled 'Recents'. This is where all of your unsorted important memories go. The ones in the back are the oldest, ones in the front are the newest. Makes sense. You pull back the memories in front and start skimming through them. Most are pictures, but there are also audio logs, your laptop (for some odd reason), a USB drive, and even...huh?

You haven't gotten one of these in a while.

Yeah, that's what it is. Why is it here? You should read that. That means something real bad happened.

Wait, where even am I-?

You snap back to reality and refocus your eyes, and you suddenly realize there's somebody across the table from you. With an agitated expression. And a clipboard and pen.


Were you just ignoring an interviewer? Well, that sucks. They probably think you're an ass now. Damnit. If only you could turn back time. Well, you catch their next sentence. Barely, but you still do: "-cuse me, have you heard anything I've been telling you for the past 20 minutes?"


Oh. Well damn, that's definitely an irreversible first impression. Ah well, that won't matter. You hope it won't matter. Please don't matter.

Wait, they're talking again. We can read up on the-

Not we. You. Me. Wait.

Which one was I using again? It was you, right? Oh, whatever. Let's just see what the person has to say, eh?

"I will not ask you again, subject (insert something here). Did you, or did you not, hear what I have been informing you about?" The interviewer, a woman as you come to realize, says sharply. You give her a blank stare before shrugging.

"Maybe. I mean- yes? No? Perhaps. Let's say perhaps." Already off to a bad start. Do you really want to be that mysterious jackass that makes their lives ten times harder by being all cryptic?

...maybe. You'll probably spill later.

Actually, you aren't wrong with your answer. Everything she was saying is in 'Recents'. But you don't really want to look through them right now. Hell, you haven't even looked through how you got here! Wait- that's an issue, maybe you should-

No, no, we need to listen to her. She's talking again. And look at her face, exasperated and completely through with us already. Come on, don't make her life any harder than it has to be.

Fair point. Let's listen.

"Alright, you are being quite difficult. Please, just listen and answer my questions appropriately." The woman says, giving me an annoyed look. Not too professional, but we're being a bit of an air-headed bitch so it's warranted.

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