The Diary Of Two People.

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Yo, okay, so basically I'm using a writing site to help keep me on track for writing now. Maybe I can actually get longer chapters like this!

For now, have a little diary entry for a basic summary of the past chapters and a little deep dive of the filing cabinet mind.

Oh, and this chapter is formatted differently because it's literally just a transcript of what they wrote from the page.

*---------- Diary? You? Me? Whatever...

Another day, another distraction.

After all, it's only been around...what, maybe three days? But three days is long. It's horrible we had to wait this long to do anything cool! So bad, in fact, that we are writing this diary to complain.

Erm...well, not exactly us? It's mostly me writing it. But you sometimes pop in and decide that it would be funny to screw around with the diary pages and write along with me. Which I honestly wouldn't mind if you weren't such an incessant little brat about it. At least I can respect writing in our diary, all you want to do is draw people in it and show it off to me.

...which I honestly don't mind. I wouldn't mind, really, if it didn't distract me from writing. It's annoying when you distract me from writing. So please stop.

Bah, I dunno the difference between left and right hand writing! So you'll just use the right hand while I use the left, and we can write on opposite sides of the diary! That sounds productive and fair, right?

Alright, fine. You got me there. It does sound like and interesting concept to you. Honestly, the thought of it makes you feel pretty happy about the whole ordeal in the Foundation. Especially after listening to Dr. Rose basically drag Dr. Clef and Dr. Bright down the hallway with malicious intent.

You're just glad we didn't get sniped by that shotgun of Clef's. Man, it looks like a formidable thing to be up against.

...I wonder, could we grab it out of the 'Objects' section and use it for ourselves?

Meh, we don't know what shotgun ammunition looks like. That's a waste of time.

Right, right. Can't use a shotgun without ammunition. You're right, for once.

Sheesh, trying to throw shade at the obviously way smarter half? I think I'm wildin', and that's honestly hilarious.

Whaaaat?! Leave me alone, you little psycho. You don't even know half the stuff I do for the filing cabinet and you! You're just some stuck-up wannabe that got pretty privilege and main character syndrome.

Boi take that back, we both know I'm joking. YOU'RE the one with pretty privilege? You ain't even got to beef with the people in the Foundation! You're the one dealing with all of this mess, while me over here sits around all day and does nothing to contribute to society. I'm a waste of space, and that's final! Uh huh. Honestly, people reading this diary are gonna be so confused. Wondering why we're talking to ourselves, basically. I mean, imagine reading this page specifically. It seems so blatantly obvious to others that 'hey, there might be more than one person in that mind', but they ain't never gonna see inside of our brain. Besides, I don't think this site has enough brain cells for it. Not after that glorious display Dr. Clef presented when he chased down Dr. Bright with so much malice he broke a ceiling light and nearly put Bright out of commission just for existing near him.

Mans got prejudice for his coworkers, and that's something I can straight up respect. Imagine pulling up to site with a shotgun and ukulele everyday only to also square up with your coworkers on a daily basis. Now that's a drama I'd definitely pay to see.

Yeah, you'd pay to see it too, surprisingly. There isn't a lot in the Foundation, right now at least, to keep us busy. I mean, they've given us books and this notebook and stuff, but other than that we haven't talked to any other anomalies.

Formally, at least. Or...we haven't been formally introduced to any sentient anomalies yet, which is bugging us a bit. Dr. Rose keeps on promising us that we'll totally be able to see other anomalies, but we're starting to think she's bluffing.

Well, you don't think she's bluffing. I do. But we can agree to disagree, since obviously disagreeing is something we do very often.

Don't I think we should get more playmates often? You'd like to talk to other people more often. Or maybe they could get us a pet, like a dog or a cat or something like that. We'd love to have a little fur baby with us, it would make the days feel like days instead of months or years.

Oh yeah, time perception isn't an issue, though.

The filing cabinet has a clock above it, and it's always synced to real world time.

'Real world time', lol me.


Anyway, we often use that and the calendar next to it to keep us sane and to make sure we are always aware of what time it is. It's also very fun to watch Dr. Rose ask us for the time and then we answer spot on, which earns us a surprised look or an interested glance.

I'd be interested too if the person trapped in a padded jail cell with no recollection of time and a really bad grip of time suddenly pulled up with the exact hour, minute, and second. You wouldn't be as surprised, as some anomalies are just built different. Some anomalies built cooler than others, and that's just something we have to live with.

Such anomalies built different may or may not include (F/N), and very recently Dr. Rose. (F/N) is just an anomaly that has been friends with us since...maybe third grade? But we were friends for a while. A while, up until that...

Let's not get into that.

On the other hand, we have Dr. Rose here. Dr. Rose can apparently teleport? Or something close to it. Probably teleportation and some form of strength. Or she's just super jacked underneath her lab coat and turtleneck, which I find a hilarious thought. You just find it mildly interesting that she easily picked up a grown man and proceeded to use said man as an object to lob at an enemy. Which is honestly so funny, so we're glad we got that in a snapshot inside of the mind.

Man, remember that one time when we were taken down to the beach?

Hell yeah! The beach was awesome! It was really foggy that day, and there were seagulls and ships and bells, it sounded incredible and looked really really spooky. Oh, and we saw an anomaly that day, which was amazing. Honestly, great beach day all around. Especially since we got to witness multiple seagulls ganging up on (F/N) and stealing their fries in cold blood.

Ah, good times.

Anyway, what where we saying again? No, not about the beach. Was it on Dr. Rose?

Mm...oh, wait! Remember the Dr. Bright guy, the one that got absolutely tossed by Dr. Rose?

Yeah, what is it?

He was wearing a really freaky looking amulet necklace thing. Spooked you out a lot. Spooked me out too, considering the fact that I could've sworn the soul of Bright's body was coming from the amulet.

That can't be it, though, could it? It has to be something way more annoying and convoluted, right?

Meh, not everything needs to be needlessly complicated.

But that's how most things work at the Foundation! Overly complicated and absolutely going to give the workers a headache.

...honestly I won't even fight you on that.

Sincerely??? log 1? Lol, we have no clue what to end off with.

- (Y/N) (L/N) and company.


So, yeah! That's the end of the 'recap/diary' chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, basically just the comic relief chapter because I have no motivation to write good content.

Anyway, word count is: 1309!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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