The Interview. Subconscious POV.

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'I'll pay attention to what Dr. Rose is saying. You need to catch up on what happened.'

'Aight. Thanks man.'

'No problem.'


"A-alright then. Subject (Toast or summin), would you mind telling us about your home life." Dr. Rose says, tapping her pen against her clipboard anxiously. I look annoyed. She still has the balls to talk to us? Well, might as well humor her a little bit.

"My home life was horrible, I was in an orphanage." I say bluntly, and Dr. Rose stares at us while hesitating. This is a very big fucking lie, because we actually had a normal childhood, but Dr. Rose makes me mad in the most unexplainable way possible, and I wanna screw with her a little bit. I mean, that's not too bad, right? They kidnapped us, dragged us into this room, and forced us to take an interview, so this is just payback.

"Oh my." I can hear her whisper, but she quickly recovers and moves onto the next question. "Do you have any family or friends that may take notice of your disappearance?"

I pause. Good question, is there anybody? Our parents passed away a while ago, mother from a car accident with a drunk driver and father from an epileptic seizure, but I don't think there's any friends that would notice.

...(F/N) would, but they aren't here right now, are they?

That makes me depressed. Never mind, let's go back to making Dr. Rose's life a living hell for the time being. I realize it's probably been 5 minutes that I was floating up on cloud nine thinking about (F/N), so I simply say, "Everybody is either dead or doesn't care about me. Happy?"

Dr. Rose is becoming more and more despondent as the interrogation goes on, and it's obvious she's beginning to hate us, me specifically though. I don't really care, though, she could quit for all I care. There's nothing in the world I would want to see more than her and the other 'researchers' suffering for their own curiosity. Suck it, science.

"Not necessarily the answer I was looking for...." Dr. Rose writes on her clipboard for a moment. "How did these people pass away?" She asks nervously.

"Why should I tell you? Go dig through my personal government files and find the answer yourself." I spit venomously at her, snarling slightly.

The doctor looks like she's about to have a stroke. "O-okay. I-I don't mean any harm. Just asking some questions."She then writes something on her clipboard, presumably about 'Subject (Toast)'s behavioral issues'.

"Yeah, yeah. Go write home about my 'bad behavior', let's see how far that takes ya." I say condescendingly, rolling my eyes. Dr. Rose goes and writes some more on her clipboard. I then remember something. What was the point of the 'contain' thing? It's not like a government organization could lock us up... or could they? They look serious. I just hope I didn't say anything that could get us in trouble...


You stare at the report, shouting, 'THEY RAN OVER A PERSON?! WHAT THE HELL?!'

I wince, shaking my head and continuing to converse in a boring manner with Dr. Rose. 'In cold blood, too. I don't know why they did that, fucking brutes.'


I continue to make mocking comments towards Dr. Rose, sneering at her any chance I get. It's quite boring, actually. She's a massive pushover, and it's so easy to get her to tick. I might be the one pulling her apart and putting her back together, actually. That doesn't really matter, though, because in the end she probably has a lot more authority than I'm ready for.

Knock on wood though, right? Or- yeah that is the expression I'm looking for. Cool! I actually know something for once, without looking through the filing cabinet!

I keep hearing her muttering about me being an 'agitation' or a 'nuisance', but if she wasn't ready to deal with pranksters like us how would she deal with dangerous people...unlike us? I mean, sure, we're the embodiment of hell itself when it comes to personality, but that's just life, man. Besides, it's actually really fun seeing her get pissed off. I love shoving her off of her high horse. I sure  hope that doesn't come and bite me when I'm not expecting it.

...okay, that sure as hell wasn't the phrase.


'Did they seriously just ignore the fact they broke our nose? Damn. Assholes.'

'Bruh I was the one who had to deal with that shit. You were taking a snooze. Shut up and keep reading, Dr. Rose is boring and you're better with words.'

'Fine, grumpy pants, I'll finish the report.'


"God, you're so boring. Why don't you go to one of your buddies and start asking them on how to improve on your social skills? You sound like you'd be just fantastic at parties." I comment jeeringly, smirking at Dr. Rose and flipping her off.

Dr. Rose writes for a moment, but after a few moments of me glaring at her she quickly loses her temper. "THAT'S IT! OFFICER, GET ME SECURITY! NOW!" She says. A moment later, 4 guards walk into the room and grab you by your arms, one of them knocking a lamp off its table. "You'll be taken to your Containment Chamber. I'd recommend you not resist." They then pull you from the room.

"HUFYTSRS- WHAT?!" I practically scream, eyes widening in surprise. You are not going to be happy about this. Oopsies.

"STOP RESISTING!" A guard yells in our ear, before shoving a taser in our back. The pain of electricity runs through my veins and I slump down and feel the effects of what seems to be a high, despite the fact that I am in immense pain.


'Subcon what did you do.'

'If you just used your eyes and READ YOU WOULD KNOW!'

'Alright, alright! I'll read it. Damn.'


"HANDCUFFS, NOW!" One of the guards shouts and pulls a pistol. "Don't make this difficult, or I'll be forced to shoot you." The officers then place handcuffs around our wrist and leads me away to a Containment Chamber.I'm not sure what they expect me to do. I'm not sure what I expect to do.

"..." I pause, soaking in my surroundings. Taking mental images, audio logs, writing down interesting things, all that lot. The Containment Chamber looks similar to a padded cell we'd see in jail, only this cell has an observation area (for the staff to watch you and monitor you) and a chair with restraints.It looks like they'll be containing us for a while until they can figure out how, and why, we've been creating objects out of thin air. At the same time, the SCP Foundation has the resources to keep us in captivity for our entire lives, if they wanted to.

...which would not be good. I, personally, don't want to be here forever and ever. Neither do you, I'm guessing. But this is not looking good for us so far. If they're like any other research facilities it's gonna be tests, interviews, physical and mental examinations. And that sounds both boring as hell and annoying as hell.


'Alright, sounds nice. And then I'm guessing all of this happened, yeah?'


You and I stare at each other for a little bit before you shrug and grin. 'Thanks for covering for me, Subcon.'

'No problem, Con.' I respond breezily, sitting down against the filing cabinet and letting you take the lead.


Okay, so this was kind of hard to write. Skipped some of the back and forth dialogue between you and I because I was writing this at 2 AM and that gets tiresome after a while.

Anyway, have a great day/night/whenever!

1257 words boi :)

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