The Report. Conscious POV.

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'I'll pay attention to what Dr. Rose is saying. You need to catch up on what happened.'

'Aight. Thanks man.'

'No problem.'


You sigh and sit down on the floor next to the filing cabinet. Meanwhile, your subconscious has gone ahead and decided to distract Dr. Rose, because you really don't want the scientist hating you because you can't pay attention for more than five seconds. That's just fine with both of you, but we have a feeling we'll be here for quite a while.

You stare at the title of the report, simply labeled: 'Things To Do: Remember'. Subcon really couldn't have done a better job at naming it, huh?

Whatever, you can't blame me. I'm doing you a favor by keeping that doctor busy, and while you were away I did make this giant report for you. You really can't complain, can you? I'm doing my best, and you should be happy I do anything for you!

Yikes, sorry. You'll read it, okay?



Things To Do: Remember


We got caught. And it's bad, really bad. They're pointing guns at us. Telling us to get on our knees and keep our hands where they can see 'em. I hate this. So much. You're lucky you're down again, or else you'd be panicking like I was. I'm terrified. The government officials have already circled around me, and I can feel them cuffing us and forcing us back up. Oh god.

They're not going to kill me, right? Nah, nah, they're taking us into a vehicle. A van, tinted windows and all. We're getting kidnapped, incredible.

Kidnapped by the government, no less.


Alright, we're inside the van now. I think they tried to drug us or something. But that won't work, mostly because we're a freak. They don't know that, though. I can hear everything they're saying, I can see everything they're doing, but they're absolutely ignorant. And it's incredible.

Muffled words.

God damn it, why are their words muffled?


Is that the drugs? Damn. Guess...yeah, the audio logs are there, but they're too fuzzy for us to comprehend. Honestly I think they gave us amnestics, nothing else could be fucking us up like this. Either that or they gave us some really heavy tranquilizers, but I can't be sure about it.

Amnestics react oddly with us, if I remember right. Yeah, the other report here says so.

It gives us headaches. You know how amnestics are supposed to erase memories and stuff? The filing cabinet protects our memories from getting wiped, but it hurts our head really badly. topic again.

From what I can discern, they group that has so kindly stolen us from our home is an 'MTF Unit'. I can't fully hear the name of the team, but having Mobile Task Force called on us is kind of concerning.

I think what I'm most confused on is how we managed to get caught. We've told nobody about the cabinet, we use it infrequently so that we don't get caught, and if we do use it we don't use it near people. So how did they pinpoint our location and decide that 'Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we found a new anomaly?'

We've been having bad luck. The drive to...what was it? SC...SCP? Uhhh the SCP...


Well, we've never heard of that one. And they sure as hell aren't new around here, if they have this type of equipment. So...they must have some damn good methods of keeping themselves out of public eye. Which sucks for us, because that means we didn't know about them, and now we're getting murdered because of it.

Filing Cabinet [SCP Foundation x reader (kinda?)]Where stories live. Discover now