Part 5: Technical Home Invasion.

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Alrighty, another chapter down the drain.


"Subject (Toast/IDK) and company, I have some interesting news for you." Dr. Rose announces as she enters our containment cell. We look up at her with a raised eyebrow as she says happily, "Well, you're officially an SCP. So..."

Dr. Rose pulls out a gift box. You take it gratefully, make a copy of it in the filing cabinet, and grin like a little imp. I then open the gift box to see an official SCP uniform, with the logo-

The logo.

Right...with the logo on both arms just to get the point across. Oh, and not to mention the little name tag on the front that has your actual name, and the indicator on the back with your SCP number. You flash a thumbs up to Dr. Rose, saying, "I'm guessing we're wearing this for the rest of eternity now?"

"You can still wear your old clothes, but when we start allowing you to roam the site you have to wear the uniform." Dr. Rose explains, shaking her head slightly again. We contemplate her comment.

"Okay, so we'll be allowed to roam the site soon?" I say, tilting our head and looking at her inquisitively. Dr. Rose nods in a proud manner.

"I've managed to convince them, for the time being at least, that after about a week more of observation you should be just fine to roam the site!" She explains with a chuckle, and from the hallway we can faintly hear a round of buckshot being used, followed by a bunch of shouts and some very disgruntled swearing. Dr. Rose immediately turns around with an apprehensive look, but she eventually disregards the violent noises outside.

"What in the hell was that? Is somebody getting murdered???" You ask in mild confusion, and very severe worry. Dr. Rose shakes her head before pausing and changing her head shake to a shrug.

"I'm not very sure. It's most likely just Clef popping his lid and chasing Bright down the hallways again." She explains, turning her body so that half faced us and half faced the entrance to our containment cell.

"Sure is a lot of swear- wait, the researcher with a shotgun is named Clef?" We make a mental note of that immediately, and Dr. Rose makes an 'oh I screwed up' face before exhaling and nodding reluctantly.

"Yes. That is his name. Last- last name. Not his technical name though? Lord, Foundation personnel is all over the place." She says with another shrug, rubbing her temples. More shotgun rounds can be heard firing, and even louder shouts from different people can be heard as Clef and 'Bright's' footsteps race down the hallway. "I think I may need to check that out. Have fun with your gift, (Y/N) and company."

We nod as Dr. Rose quickly exits the premises and starts shouting at Clef and Bright to stop running down the hallway and trying to kill each other, which we find rather amusing. Isn't this supposed to be a government organization? They have crackhead energy and a general disregard for each other...which is quite funny, we have to admit.


We don't truly remember what happened next, but it felt like a fever dream. So let's say it in order.

1: A red haired male researcher, most likely the 'Bright' character Dr. Rose spoke about, accidentally entered our containment cell. We had a staring contest before 2 started.

2: Clef, the researcher with a shotgun, also entered. He was being closely trailed by a very upset Dr. Rose, if we may add. Clef attempts to shoot at Bright, but he ducks the bullets and hides behind us.

3: Dr. Rose proceeds to beat the ever loving crap out of both of them by teleporting behind Bright, picking up Bright, and throwing Bright at Clef.

4: Clef and Bright clatter to the ground like Jenga blocks while Dr. Rose tries to make sure Clef didn't accidentally shoot us with a round of buckshot. We are okay.

Present time now.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!" Dr. Rose shouts at the two researchers, both of whom are lying on the ground and still recovering from being assaulted by Dr. Rose. We watch on with mild amusement, a little concern, but mostly just straight up confusion. We would all be confused by two men suddenly bursting into your room, nearly getting you caught in the crossfire of a shotgun, having your supervisor suddenly teleport behind said men and proceed to lob one at the other.

Can we mention that we don't even know the reason why any of this was happening?

Or why the universe thought it would be funny to airdrop us these researchers?

Nonetheless, Clef and Bright recover and sit up, still looking butt hurt and annoyed because Dr. Rose decided to remind them that they were not the ones in control.

That was pretty funny.

"Dr. Clef, Dr. Bright. I expected you two to actually follow the rules and guidelines set specifically because of previous incidents between you two?" Dr. Rose says accusingly, and you hold back snickers as the two researchers look everywhere but at the very angry woman in front of them. They're mostly mumbling answers and not really explaining why they were attacking each other with extreme prejudice, but it's not like you cared. You just wanted them out of your (technical) house.

Nudging Dr. Rose, you ask in the most polite way possible, "Hey, could you bring those weirdos outside? I was going to change but then they barged into my living room and almost shot me. Please and thank you."

That earned a couple of snickers from Bright and Clef, but said snickers were promptly silenced when Dr. Rose grabbed both of them by their collars and dragged them out herself.

That...was surprisingly fun. It also seems like if you did manage to get roaming privileges you may or may not run into those fellows, so I suppose it would be a good idea to not make too much of a bad impression on either of them right now.

Besides, we have changing to do.

You step into the closet they gave you and change into something casual, maybe a hoodie or something. Something you can run well in. Oh, and something that doesn't look overly like you're a hobo, though. That would be bad for business.


Yoooo wassup? How's it goin folks? Hope this was a good chapter for y'all!

Word count is 1055!

Filing Cabinet [SCP Foundation x reader (kinda?)]Where stories live. Discover now