That funny feeling

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              Agent Storm. That was my role a long time ago. "We both know I cannot go through that again." I said. I was an agent. The only one who completed our missions. The only one who never missed their shot. "And do not call me that again." Reina glared at me, clearly pissed off. "For god sakes, we had everything! We were the best Agents of all time! Nobody was able to escape us alive!" She said while walking up to me again. "We  will never be on the same team again. You're not changing my mind. I have a wife and a kid. Much more important issues than to deal with you." I replied before attempting to walk away once more. Reina was having a hissy fit inside but luckily didn't say anything else. I soon arrived at the clinic and spoke with the receptionist. "The wait is a little long, the doctor has been a bit backed up, will that be alright with you or would you like to schedule an appointment?" The receptionist asked. I'm not a very patient person but I didn't want to break my promise to Kip. "Yeah that's perfectly fine." I said with a sigh. She gave me paper work to fill and I took my seat where not so many people were around. As I was filling out the papers, a little girl walked over and sat next to me, staring what felt like knifes at me. I glanced at her for a second before going back to what I was doing. She kept staring at me unfortunately. I felt uneasy and scared despite this being a child. If you didn't know me well, I hate being stared at, hence why I felt the same way when feeling watched. "Hey kid? Where are your parents?" I asked. She didn't answer, just staring. I got up and moved to another area, attempting to get as far from her as possible but she followed. There was only one thing I could do to escape this dreadful feeling. I told the receptionist that I would schedule an appointment instead of waiting any longer. "That's alright. You seem stressed are you sure you want to?" She asked. I nodded and tapped my foot while waiting impatiently for her to make the appointment. When she did, I immediately ran out. When I got outside, I began trying to catch my breath. My chest felt tight at this point. "Elijah?! Are you okay?!" A woman said, going up to me. It was Kip. I looked at her, my eyes welling up with tears. She took my hand and hugged me at the same time, attempting to calm me down. "It's okay! You're with me now! Please calm down!" She said frantically. I soon began to calm down, god I was lucky she was here. She wiped away the tears from my eyes. "You haven't been answering any of my calls or texts. What's been going on with you lately?" She asked worryingly. "I don't want to speak out here. I just want to go home." I said in a shaky tone. Kip understood my wishes and walked home with me. When we got home, I spilled everything out to Kip. "Watched? By who?" She asked. I shrugged and laid my head down on her lap. She frown and began running her fingers through my hair for the first time. It felt nice, I guess we have a mutual opinion on this. "I've never felt more scared in my life. I didn't mean to worry you either. I don't know what to do anymore." I said. Kip stayed silent and so did I after what I said for a moment. "You need a break. perhaps something fun?" She said. I felt as if I turned as red as a tomato as I looked up at her. "Aye! Not that kind of fun!" She said, slightly panicked at my thought. "I'm sorry you just said that randomly!" I replied as I face palmed. She chuckled and gently moved my head up from her lap. "Ever been to a junkyard?" She asked. I looked at her confusingly and shook my head. "Well, it may be full of junk and trash but when I was younger, it was wonderland for me. I'll have my brother pick up Lana, this can be a good time for her to hang out with her cousins." She kissed me before getting up. "I'll be back mi amor." She said while walking into the bedroom. As I waited for her, I saw the bright light again. I looked straight at it for a moment but stopped instantly. I didn't want to be distracted. Kip was right, I needed a break. She soon came out in a more punk-casual outfit. "I needed to fit the setting." She said while giggling in excitement. I smiled and went up to her, lifting her up and spinning her happily. When I put her down, we shared another kiss together which lasted a little longer this time. "Shall we get going?" I asked. She nodded and took my hand, leading me out to the car. She tossed me the keys before going into the passenger side. I rolled my eyes while keeping my smile and got into the drivers side. "Don't drive to fast this time. I know how you get when the roads are clear." She said. "Hey, I don't drive past the limit at least." I replied jokingly. She gave me a look and I sighed before pulling out of the drive way and driving away. 

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