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              After a couple of minutes went by, Jackson stopped hugging me and sat down in one of the seats. I sat down next to him and kept my head down. "Explain everything. How did any of this happen?" He asked. I looked at him and told him everything. Everything about who Reina was, who Ken was, who I was. "Can't say I'm shocked."  He replied. I looked at him confusingly. "What do you mean by that?" I asked suspiciously. He began to get nervous and he got up and ran away towards the bathroom. I sigh and laid back in the chair, eventually falling asleep. When I woke up, Monty and Jackson were right next to me talking. I pretended to stay asleep to here their conversation to see if they mentioned what Jackson had told me but they didn't seem to go onto that topic. Jackson soon noticed I was awake once I had stopped faking it. "About time you're awake, you've been asleep for over an hour." Jackson said. I sat up an looked at them. "She's resting now, the surgery went well." Monty added. I sigh in relief but kept worrying about her. I didn't say anything as they both went back to talking. Eventually, Kip's father arrived with the kids. I glared at him when he came over to me. We never had a good relationship. "You couldn't stay with the kid alone for at least a day it seems." I said to him with spite. Lana and the other two kids were confused as to why they were there. "Well I'm sorry I wanted to see my own daughter who you failed to protect from a knife to the arm." He said. I began to see nothing but red as he said that when I punched him straight across the face while yelling terrible words towards him. Jackson quickly pulled me away before I hit him again and Monty pulled his father away before he could hit me. Lana immediately took her cousins to another area in the room to distract him. "Cut it out! Both of you!" Jackson scolded. I squirmed to get him off and stormed out of the hospital. I felt terrible for leaving Kip with that guy but I had to get fresh air before I make a mistake I will regret deeply. It seemed to be night already, seems like the day went by fast. I looked around and noticed someone in a dark area by the hospital. I walked towards them in curiosity. When the person noticed me, they shined a light in my eyes to blind me before running away. That same light that I had seen last night. I rubbed my eyes and looked around for clues on who they were. Nothing. I felt more upset at myself. I failed to protect my own wife. I yelled profanities in front of my nieces and daughter. I can't even feel normal anywhere anymore. I wanted everything to be fixed and I only thought of one way to fix it. Only one way to make sure my family is safe. One way that I can fight for them and myself. I walked around the area till I found a place where I can borrow a phone to call someone. I hesitated to input the number for a moment. I was nervous when hearing the ringing until someone finally picked up. "Didn't take you long to call, Storm." Reina said from the other side of the call. "I'm in." I said.

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