The Room of Lies (Jennifer's POV)

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                 "Wake up." Those words repeated in my head over, and over, and over, and over again. It slowly grew louder and the tone was getting intense. It bothered me to the point I jolted up on the bed, frantically looking around. "You're awake!" Said a familiar voice. I turned my head slowly to who it was, still shaken up. I sighed in relief when I found out it had been my brother. "Uh- you alright? Your heart rate sped up by a lot." He asked concerningly. I just stared at him for a moment before laying back down and looking up at the ceiling. He got out of his chair and sat on the bed next to me. "Jen, what's going on? You're acting strange." I looked at him while remembering what Kendrick had said before I had attacked. "I want the truth." I said. He looked in me in confusion before chuckling. "Alright, about what?" He asked. I sat up and glared at him. "Am I really related to dad or is there something you're not telling me?" After my question, he looked at me in complete fear and stayed quiet. "So there is something you both are not telling me." I replied. I ripped everything out of my arms that had been inside while I was out and rubbed that area. A little blood was coming out due to the needles but I hadn't cared about it. "Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" Monty asked while trying to force me back down. I struggled for a bit before giving up. "You need to get your act together! We are siblings! Nothing is going to changed that!" He said, now in a tone of stress. "Yet you're still lying, I can see it in your face!" I shouted. "I want my husband and him only! I don't want to talk to either of you If you're just gonna keep everything from me! All you do is baby me when I'm a grown adult! I'm 27 for god sakes!"  After what I said, Monty looked down. "Elijah left, Jen. It's just Me, Jackson, and dad." He said, his tone lowering. "Then leave me alone. I'll wait for him to return." I replied, looking away. "Yeah, and it's been 3 hours since he left. He's not coming back anytime soon." He sighed. "Listen, If you really want the truth, let dad tell it. But don't say I didn't try to protect you or warn you when you find out what really happened." He gave me a hug before leaving the room. I watched him leave and felt guilty. Perhaps I was too harsh on him. I got out of bed and walked over to the window. It was the first floor so if I wanted to leave stealthily, I could. I thought about it for a moment before going back over to the bed and laying down. I wanted to know what dad had to say before I made an escape. I then thought back to the voice that told me to wake up. It sounded like my voice but clearly could not have been mines if I was asleep. A lot of things don't add up. After a lot of long minutes of thinking, my father walked in. "Morning sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" He asked. I remained silent. "Your brother told me you went complete bonkers in here." He chuckled nervously as he pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down in it. "For starters, never say bonkers again. It's disturbing. I know you're hiding something from me. Who are you and who am I?" I asked, my tone slowly becoming filled with anger. His face looked as if he seen a ghost. "I'm your father and you're my daughter. There's nothing more to it." He answered nervously. "Stop lying!" I shouted in response. He stood silent for a moment and looked down, looking exactly like Monty when he was here. "Alright. Fine. You want to know so badly, I'll tell you." He said

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