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         After I spoke with Reina, she encouraged me to speak with Kendrick. I tried to protest against it but she insisted to where I gave in so that she can stop talking. Kendrick is the scientist of the crew. As much as I hate to admit, his time spent in his lab was extremely helpful for us all and by all, I mean anyone who works for this joke of a crew. Despite me being apart of it, I have many regrets. I walked into Kendricks Lab and found him working on some sort of project. I remained silent as I watched him closely. The way he worked so passionately was admirable, made me feel proud he uses his interests for good things, sorta. After a few seconds of watching, I noticed he was mumbling while working though it wasn't loud enough for me to understand. "I know you're watching me." Kendrick said without making any sort of contact. His work was always more important than anyone else. "Reina sent me here." I finally spoke. "I want answers from you, and an apology." Kendrick stopped working and turned to me "You don't seem to be injured or hurt in any sort of way. I don't owe you anything." Kendrick glared as he stood up from his chair. I started to become frustrated and annoyed but there was not much I can do without causing an argument that would jeopardize our work as he tends to be very inconsiderable for anyone when they annoy him. Kendrick is a difficult being. I'm not sure what made him this way, but he can be very cold, however, he wasn't always like this. "Whatever, I still want an explanation on what's your issue with Jen." I said, my tone slightly revealing my frustration. Ken blinked at me a bit before chuckling. "That's personal, Storm. Like I said, I owe you nothing." Kendrick sat back down and turned to face his project before continuing it. "You left for what, three? Four years? You lost my trust and loyalty. I'm only speaking respectfully to you because of Reina. You're easy to replace and we were doing good without you." His tone was clear he had no care in the world for me anymore, or so he thinks. Though there was one issue wrong with his claim. I put on a smirk as I crossed my arms, leaning on the doorway. "Ken, answer me this. Why is it that you still have a lot to say to me after so long?" Ken perked up and quickly turned to me, becoming a little red in embarrassment. "If I'm useless for the crew, What made Reina beg for me to return? Where is my replacement? Shouldn't you have one by now? I mean come on, it's been years hasn't it old friend?" Ken froze for a moment before visibly getting angry. I knew I hit a nerve but immediately regretted my decisions as I noticed Ken had also seemed hurt, his eyes filled with tears. He managed to blink back the sadness in his eyes to show more anger. "You know nothing! You left us for your own selfishness! You left us for a devilish woman!" Ken yelled. None of what he said was true about me. Yes, I did want to start settling down with the woman I loved. The woman who made me feel things I never thought I could. The woman who raised me higher than I could on my own. The woman who gave me a reason to be happy in this joke of a world. Despite that woman, she is not the reason I left and Ken knows this. Ken is the reason. The reason I have resentment for him. The reason I never wanted to return. Though Ken has bad attributes and personality, that is not what made me leave. It was his actions. I didn't want to continue the conversation so I just left the room, returning to where Reina had been. "Hey! How'd it go?" Reina asked. Reina looked at me and already knew the answer, frowning. I sat down in one of the chairs in her room and just sighed. I felt numb, tired, annoyed, disappointed and sad all at once. After everything it was clear that I would not be able to fix anything with him which is the thought that hurt more than anything else. "You guys can't keep fighting like this, you have a job to do now that you agreed to, we don't need you two ruining it." I glared at her. "And I can easily leave this place like I did a last time." I said, slightly raising my voice. Reina went silent and looked away but I was done with them blaming me for all of this. "Can we just get to planning?" I asked. Reina sighs and got up "C'mon. Let's go talk to Wyatt about that." Reina said. I blinked in confusion and stared at her for a moment before asking: "Who's Wyatt?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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