Back on track (Elijah's POV)

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             "Why the sudden change of mind?" Reina asked as I remained on the phone with her. "That isn't important nor would it be your business." I answered. "Fine, just get over here." She said with a sigh. I was confused at her response. "Over where-?" I asked. I soon heard a truck horn from outside and from her side of the call, immediately hanging up the call and giving it back to the owner of it before going outside which is where I saw her across the street. "Did you follow me?!" I shouted across the street. "Stop asking questions and get over here!" She shouted back. I looked both ways before running over to her, glaring. "Good boy. Come along now, we have work to do." She said, patting my head as if I were a dog before walking in a certain direction. I rolled my eyes and followed. "I'm not your pet-" I said spitefully. "Oh hush, I haven't bothered you since forever. Now's my chance for it." Reina replied. After walking for a while and being bothered by her, we reached a familiar building. "Welcome back, Storm." She opened the door and held it open as she waited for me to follow her. I hesitated to go in for a moment before I took a deep breath and went inside. It looked like a normal office building inside but it was all nothing but fake. All just a cover up so nobody knows who we are or what we do. We aren't exactly the good guys most of the time which is why we do everything discreetly. We entered an elevator which could only be opened with finger print scanning and went down. Reina and I just stood there in silence for a moment before she opened her annoying mouth of hers. "It's been.. a bit too quiet since you left." She said. I looked at her as I tilted my head in confusion. "We lost a lot of people and Kendrick had be come more and more spiteful and rude to everyone except me, causing them all to get into arguments with him." Reina rubbed her arm and looked at me with a bit of a frown. "That sounds about right. Kendrick would get mad over every little thing. You're the only person he's soft on. You've always been. I can't remember a time I wasn't in an argument with him while around you." I replied, looking away. "Well you two will have to get along very soon. We got an early mission for the both of you." She said. I immediately turned back to her. "I'm sorry- what-" I asked. After I asked, the elevator opened. Reina stepped out and began walking down the hall as I followed. We walked past many different rooms. Past the conference room, a few offices, the armory, and security office. We soon stopped at Reina's workshop. Since it wasn't mentioned before, she's our engineer. She's the one who makes all of out weapons and tech. She even built herself a whole new arm after losing one in a past mission. I hate to admit it but for someone who tends to purposely try to be annoying to everyone, she is one amazing engineer. She unlocked the door and held it open for me for me to go in. "Don't touch anything unless I tell you to please." She said as I walked in. I looked around the room which had a lot of new stuff I'd never seen before. I stared at things that caught my eye. "You'll use them one day, don't worry." She said as she caught me looking at everything. "You must really worked your ass off on all of these." I said. I was about to touch one of the gadgets that looked like a modified gun but then remember what she said. She walked over to her desk and opened one of the drawers as she pulled out a folder. "Ready to go into the field early, Storm?" Reina asked. "I expected to wait at least a day." I said with a sigh. "What's the target this time?" Reina gave me the folder and we both looked into.

Target Name: Alice Lorens
Objective: Elimination or containment
Strengths: Agility, defense, combat
Weakness: Works alone
Objective Location: Blackwell Masquerade Ball, Blackwell Mansion
Timing for Objective: April 17th, 2023

I read everything out loud and sighed afterwards. "Better look your best dressed tomorrow, Storm. You have a date with Kendrick as well." She said, jokingly. I slowly turned my head to her with a glare as she smirked. "Don't make me rip that smirk off your face, Rei." I said as a threat. "Oh hush, I'm just kidding." She replied. I looked back at the folder with another sigh. Time for work.

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