The past and its horrors

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Reader's POV

"Harder girl!" A man in a 15million dollar suit yelled. I punched the sand dummy harder, making a little more blood trickle from my knuckles. My legs felt like lead from kicking and running all day. "I said harder!" The man yelled again. I kicked the dummy and nearly fell over. I caught myself but just barely. I was wearing white shorts and matching gi, my arms and legs were wrapped in bandages. I felt my head throb, I got dizzy. I heard my head bounce off the floor, then the world was black.

I woke up in my grey bedroom, moonlight flooded through the one window that had bars covering it so I couldn't get out. My forehead was covered with a cold pack, my muscles ached. Out of experience I knew not to get up, that would only make it hurt more. "(Y-Y/N)." Came a whimper. I looked over at the corner where I found a small and frail Luta, shivering in tears.

"Luta?" I asked, "what happened? Did someone hurt you?" 

Luta shook her head."T-the bad man came in, so I hid."

"I'm sorry," I told her. "What did he want?" 

"H-he glared at you for a while," she said. "Then he put the ice pack on your head and left." Huh, I thought, he helped me? Since when does he do that? Luta scurried over to my bed and snuggled under the blankets with me. "I promise we'll get away from here," I promised, "someday."

*time skip*

I got up the next day and went to school. Because of the security I couldn't sneak Luta out, so I left. I had to figure out an escape plan, today. I couldn't keep my fathers attention off of Luta for much longer. I ignored the looks and silent judgments as I went through the day.

Toms met me at the door as I got home. "Madam your father would like to see you," he said. I walked into the study and saw him standing with his back to me. "Look at the pamphlet," he said. I picked up a pamphlet and read, The True Cross Academy

"You want me to go sir?" I asked. 

"For training," he answered, "and when you complete it. You are to slay that little pest." I nearly dropped to the floor. "K-kill what!?" I asked. 

"Do not stutter at me!" My father yelled. I flinched. "You are to slay that demon and any other spawn of evil that you encounter!" I was trying to hold back tears but I was able to choke out a response. "Y-yes sir."

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Someone called, shaking me violently. I woke up staring at the one boy that made me feel safe. Rin Okumura. "Are you ok?" He asked, "you're crying." I ran my fingers under my eyes, feeling a wet substance I realized were tears. By the look on Rin's face I thought he would start crying any second now, instead he pulled me into a hug and held me tight. "R-Rin." I croaked. "It was a nightmare, a horrible nightmare!"

"Shh, shh." Rin cooed, "it's ok now. you're safe." He rubbed small circles on my back to comfort me. "I promise I'll keep you safe." I couldn't believe he had just said that. I know he was trying to help but his promise only made me sob harder. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, out of the corner of my eye I saw his beautiful tail lazily flick back and forth.

I reached out at grabbed it, Rin froze. I slowly stroked the soft tip with my thumb, I couldn't explain it. Something about it made me calm down, I rubbed it against my cheek and snuggled closer to Rin's warmth. "Um," Rin began. I pulled away and looked Rin in the eye. "Uhh," Rin stared at me. "B-breakfast is ready down in the kitchen."

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