The Factory

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Reader's POV

I felt my head throbbing. Before opening my eyes I first took inventory of what was happening to me. My hands were bound over my head with what felt like rope and a lead pipe, my body was cold. Like I was in  a basement or something. Peter must have nocked me out. I finally opened my eyes and looked around.

It was just I thought, I was in a dark damp room. A small slit window behind me and an iron door in front, I was tied to a metal pipe running the length of the room. The souls of my feet brushed the floor, I could put weight on them just fine but I focused most of it on my hands in hopes of bending the bar. The door opened and I froze, standing in the light was a small figure. I winced at the harsh light, luckily the clone shut the door and walked over to me. 

Luke, Luta's copy, stood in front of me. His bottom lip quivered. Slowly, tears welled up in his eyes and poured down his face. He rushed forward and buried his face in my stomach. "Hey, hey. I cooed softly. What's wrong?" The young boy looked up at me from behind purple bangs and tears. "I-I don't want to do this, he sobbed. Big brother makes me, I-I hate hurting people."

I couldn't believe it, Luke and Luta were so alike. "It's ok Luke, I whispered. I promise you don't have to hurt people. Please, untie me. I'll help you get out of here, I'll protect you I promise."

Luke's head slowly, his eyes had changed. They were glowing hot pink and his pupils were tall and thin like a cat's or poisonous snake's. His mouth spread into a mad grin, stretching from ear to ear.  "But who's going to protect you? Luke rasped, his voice was deep and cold. Shivers ran down my spine, my body tensed. Within seconds I felt like iron was crushing my stomach, I buckled into Luke's fist. A deafening snap echoed through the room, a searing pain spread through my body. I had felt this often enough to know that some of my ribs were broken. "Where is it? Luke rasped. Where is the gem?"

Rin's POV

LET ME GO YUKIO! I cried. Yukio was holding onto my tail as I tried to run after Name. "No, Yukio said sternly. We need a plan of attack first." I HAVE A PLAN! I argued, ATTACK! HUNT THEM DOWN AND SAVE HER!

Sage huffed. Listen to Yukio, Rin. We need a plan, I have a way to track them but unless we have a plan we'll get our butts handed to us on a silver platter. Luta traipsed through the door, covered in dirt and dust. She looked ticked.

The next thing I knew her tiny foot was implanted in my face. I stumbled back and held my nose. "I hope I broke your ugly face demon boy! Luta snapped, Name trusted you and you let her down!" Luta's face had changed, her teeth were razor sharp, her eyes were glowing pink and her nails had turned to claws. Yukio and Rin both backed away in fear as she growled at them. "Luta cool it! Sage ordered. You can growl at the copies." Luta seemed to calm down, her hands and eyes turned back to normal. "I'm sorry Luta, I sighed. You're right, I let Name down when she needed me most."

Yukio patted my back, "We'll get her back Rin, don't lose hope." Sage sat down and pulled out a map of the city. "Ok, Sage said. Now for this plan."

Rin x reader lemon The New GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz