The Truth (warning: feels in the form of tears imminent)

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Rin's POV

ARG! I slammed into the heavy steel door again, then whimpered in pain. Like a real man of course. "How many time are you going to do that?" Reen asked. She was longed out on the bed, watching me attempt my escape. "As many times as it takes! I snapped. How are you so calm anyway!? We're locked in here!"

Reen rolled her eyes, am I really that sassy when I do that? "YOUR'E locked in here, she corrected. I'm free to leave whenever I want." Reen pulled a silver key out of her pocket. I glared at her, "You couldn't've brought that up BEFORE I ran into the door like a hundred times!?" I went for the key but Reen put it back in her pocket and back flipped away from me. Who new I could move like that?

Reen smirked, "You're not getting out of here until Peter says so." As much as I hated it, I could see where she was coming from. I would do anything for Name if she asked, even something as boring as watching a prisoner. "Rin! Someone cried. Where are you ya Poptart!?" Sage? "Sage! I called. Sage I'm in here!" I ran to the front bars, trying to look down the hall for Sage. Reen grabbed me from behind and threw me across the room. Luckily the sound of my body hitting the wall was loud enough for Sage to hear.

"Rin!" She cried. Sage was at the entrance of my cell now. She grabbed a throwing star from her belt and threw it in-between the bars. It flew through the air and pinned Reen against the wall. For a scary second I thought Sage had killed her, then I saw Reen rare in anger and struggle. The throwing star had just pinned her shirt instead of her neck. "Catch!" Sage ordered. She chucked my katana through the bars, nearly hitting me in the head with it.

"Hey!" I snapped, unsheathing my weapon. My body erupted with blue flames, I sliced the bars to shreds and hopped out. Wait, when did Sage have a hovering skateboard? And where can I get one? She stood on a jet black skateboard, four rockets held her suspended in the air a few inches off the ground. "Let's go! Sage commanded. Name's with Yukio and Luta." With that she took off down the hall. I fallowed.

Yukio's POV

I sighed, "Hey Sage?" I spoke into the earpiece, me and Luta were locked in a cell. I could hear Sage groan before answering. "Don't tell me."

"Yep, me and Luta got captured."

"I just told you not to tell me."

I sighed, "A little help?"

Sage groaned again. "Fine. It looks like you guys are close so I'll grab you guys before getting Rin. But you need to get your Exorcist butt over to save Name got it?"

"Sure, thank you."

"Why doesn't anything ever go according to plan?" Sage grumbled. She hung up.

I heard a loud squealing of rockets and a big thunk. The door flew open, revealing Sage with a bloody nose. "Stupid sharp corners." She grumbled, and flew off. Luta and I hurried down the hall to where Name was being held. It was a lucky thing that Luta could smell her or we'd never find her. I readied my pistols, if one of the copies was in there with Name I'd have to fight them.

Sage's POV

Stupid boys and their stupid need to get captured. How hard is it sit and watch a computer? I do that all day anyway! Are they just allergic to listening or... Are they just bad at common sense? (Apologies if you are a boy) I sped down the hall towards where Rin was being held. "Rin! I called. Where are you ya Poptart!?" I had a few other names I wanted to call him, but Rose advised that now wasn't a good time. "Sage! Rin cried. Sage I'm in here!" I flew to where I saw Rin's face squished against the metal bars.

Almost as soon as I saw him he was ripped away and by the sound of it was slammed against a wall. I cringed. It's a good thing he's a healer. I got in front of the cell and saw what I'm guessing is his copy. "Rin!" I cried, hoping he took that as duck. I threw a throwing star at her through the bars, pinning her against the wall. Darn, just a little more to the left and she wouldn't be a problem any more. "Catch!" I ordered, tossing his katana to him. It accidentally hit him in the head. "Hey!" He complained. He took out his sword and cut himself free of his cell. "Let's go! I told him. Name's with Yukio and Luta." Without waiting for an answer I took off down the hall towards my cousins cell.

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