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Rin's POV

"Are you ready Rin?" Sage asked. I nodded weakly, the truth was I was scared. If this failed Name would die. Sage pressed a button on her earpiece, "Yukio are you in position? Good, get ready for my signal." I fiddled with my wrists awkwardly, I hope this works. I watched Sage sneak down the hill and bend and hide. Gage walked around the corner on patrol. Sage jumped him from behind and cupped a cloth soaked in some weird liquid over his mouth. I watched his eyes go dull as he fell back into Sage's arms. She dragged him back up next to me and stripped him down into nothing but his boxers.

Within a few moments Sage was dressed in his clothes to look even more like him. I was still creeped out by the whole "DNA gender swap copies" thing. "Let's go Rin, she whispered. Don't talk and don't freak out ok?" I nodded again. Though I was scared about seeing Peter, he was Name's  copy. And hot, his eyes sparkled just like her's and his hair looked just as soft as hers was. I wasn't gay but man, I wasn't blind either.

Sage, or Gage now I guess, kicked me in the back. Sending me down onto my knees in front of the tall building. The double doors creaked open and Sage hulled me to my feet and shoved me through the door way. "Do you have to be so violent?" I whispered. "I have to make it look realistic, she argued. Man up." I hoped Luta and four-eyes were going better than we were. They were in charge of watching Gage and surveying us at the same time. I heard foot steps and pull out of my thoughts, walking down the hall at us was...Luke? I think that was his name, great the first copy I meet here has the person who hates me most as a base. "Gage, Luke said. She still hasn't talked yet, but don't worry! I won't let you down." Sage nodded and pushed me forward. "Take him to a holding area." Luke looked surprised, "really!? Ok!" He grabbed me by my handcuffs and tugged me along, accepting my sword from Sage.

He walked me down a few different halls, turning every so often. "Where's Name?" I growled. "She's safe, Luke answered. If she gives us the information we want she'll be let go." I glared at him, "What could she have that you could want so badly?"

Luke turned to me and smiled, "The gem." I was about to ask what the gem was, but Luke suddenly shoved me into some random room and closed the door. "Hey! I cried, I rammed the door with my shoulder. Pain shot down my arm and I yelped, I guess I wasn't fully healed yet. Crap, I hope Sage gets Name out. I don't care if I'm here forever, just get her out.  That's when I remembered my earpiece. I rubbed my ear on my shoulder, trying to press the button. When it finally buzzed to life I screamed through it. "Get her and Get out! I'm locked up and can't break the door."

A crackling sound came through and I could hear Sage and Yukio talking. "Should we pull out? Yukio asked. We might have time to retreat." 

 "No, Sage answered, we stick to the plan. Guess Rin won't get to save the damsel in distress, oh well. It's overrated anyway." I sighed, I had wanted to be the one to save her. I might have gotten a thank you kiss out of it. But as long as she was saved than I guess I was ok with it not being me. I heard someone walking down the corridor and I perked up. I looked out the small slit of a window and a shiver ran down my spine. Peter.

The gender bent vision of my girlfriend walked up and opened my cell. I stumbled back and landed on the bed with a creek. Peter smiled at me, "Hello Rin. What brings you here? Come to visit?" Dang it Peter's smile matched Name's  smile perfectly. I was at a loss for words. Peter grabbed my chin so I had to look at him. "It's nice to get to formally meet you, I know our last encounter was a little... ruff. I know you're worried about my sister, but don't be. I'd never hurt her, nor would my brothers. Not fatally anyway. We are linked you know, me and her." Peter's eyes flickered down to my lips. "We share everything, he continued. Including memories." He looked back up at me. Standing up, he let go of my chin. Allowing me to feel just how much heat had risen to my face. "Don't worry, as much as I want you, as much as I remember how amazing you felt. I could never dream of coming between a loving couple, but just like Name, I've a got a way around it." Entering behind him was a girl with short messy hair sloppily wearing a hoodie and jeans. The exact outfit I was wearing. My jaw dropped when I saw her tail swaying behind her. "Hey, she greeted. I'm Reen."

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