The Gem

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Reader's POV

It hurt, everything hurt. I had broken ribs, multiple cuts all over my body, and a splitting headache. The door opened again, I closed my eyes. My body tensed, expecting another fierce beating. I felt a soft hand on my cheek, I opened my eyes and saw me. Well, Peter. He held a glass of water to my lips and I drank it gratefully. Hey I was being held and tortured in a place in the middle of I-don't-know'-where. But as far as that goes, they actually treated me with some respect, maybe it was because I was what gave Peter life. "Who's your leader? I rasped. Who created you in the first place?"

Instead of answering, Peter cupped one of my cheeks in his hand. He looked ready to cry. "I'm sorry, so sorry. He apologized. But through our suffering, our goal will be achieved." Goal? Suffering? I didn't like the sound of that. Peter closed his eyes and images flashed before my eyes. My surroundings changed, it felt so real. I smelt blood, I looked around. I was standing in what I'm guessing is the lobby of what ever warehouse I'm being held in. And... oh no. I stared at the ground, lying there were Rin, Yukio, Sage, and Luta. Tears ran down my face, there was so much blood. I know they're dead. They're dead. I've lost them, the only people that would ever even speak to me after what I did.
I felt it, something inside of me snapped. Broken into hundreds of pieces.

I opened my eyes, I hadn't even known that I'd closed them. Tears ran down both I and Peter's faces. It was then that I realized that he'd seen it as well, with his own loved ones. My heart was in my stomach, they were dead. All of them, dead. Tears streamed down our faces. Peter wrapped his arms around me in a brotherly hug, being careful not to press on my broken ribs. "Please, he rasped. It will fix everything, I... we, can't live without it's help." The gem, it had been so long since I'd even thought about it. I knew what it could do, which was pretty much everything but grow a conscience. "W-what are you going to use it for? I asked. After you bring the others back." 

Peter pondered this a bit. "I'd give it to my maker of course."

"And who is that?"

Peter frowned, "father's boss." he answered simply. I glared at him through my tears, "father never had a boss."

"That's where you're mistaken, Peter contradicted. Seemingly calmed down now. Father didn't know he had a boss, but he did. The same man that Mephisto plans to use Rin to overthrow." My heart almost froze. Satan. "He convinced father to kill mom you know, Peter added. That she was unclean."

"How could you!? I snapped, help a monster like him!" Peter flinched at my outburst. "I'll never give you the gem! I continued. I'll use it to bring Luta and the others back myself!" Peter slapped me, adding to the pain that was coursing through my veins.

Sage's POV

In front of me were dozens, no, thousands of pods. Each one containing a little green orb. I walked up to the first one and read the panel next to it. Nicole Di Angelo, it read. I looked at the next one. Lucas Lovegood. I groaned, I have to destroy all of these? Ugh! Work! My shoulders slumped as I made my way to the back of the room. I pulled a small sonic bomb out of my pocket and threw it at the back wall. The sharp edge lodged itself into the drywall and began to beep. I took off in a dead sprint back towards the door. I jumped into a flip, grabbing my skateboard from the emblem on my wrist and landing on it. The rockets on the back lit and launched me forward,Throwing more bombs as I went. Once I reached the door I grabbed the doorframe, using it to whip around. I flicked my wrist to slam the door shut, leaving a room full of blinking bombs as I sped down the hallway. I glanced at my phone, a map of the complex and three dots flashed on the screen. The green dot was me, the blue dot was Rin, and the red dot was Name.

l planed to do just as Rin had ordered. Grab Name and haul tail. Rin's a demon with healing powers, he'd survive the explosion right? Yeah, that sounds right.


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