>• Intro •<

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Teyvat Academy is one of the top academies in Teyvat. It is a school built in Inazuma by the electro archon, Raiden Ei. Due to it's strict rules, the students there (supposedly) are well behaved. Hence, why it is the no. 1 Academy in Teyvat, surpassing Sumeru Akademiya.

Said academy consists of students from all around Teyvat; including Liyue, where you were originally born. That said, when your application to join the academy was accepted, you immediately pack your things to go into Inazuma.

Xiao, your older brother(by a year) , insisted on having you stay with him. (since he too study there)
Before studying in the Academy, you have to be assigned with a certain roomate. This is done by observing future student's answer to specific questions such as, hobbies and interest.

When you had arrived, you were paired with a sophomore who goes by the name, Naganohara Yoimiya. When you had first met her, she's a very cheerful person. Making you able to get close with her easier, and the fact that you and her's class schedule are almost identical helped even more.

Your days spent with her are always cheerful, especially when she also invited her friends. It made you feel welcomed all the time! But of course, there's him.

“What, so now you don't like spending time with me? ”

“No, it's just that I already made a promise with them! Why do you even want to hang out with me all of a sudden!? ”

His amber coloured eyes stare at you. Boaring into the deep depths of your depressed-like and oblivion soul. It's true that you have been around Yoimiya more lately, but this time, you had made a promise to her that you would go to the movies with her.

“*sigh* Fine, but just this once! Tomorrow you'll have to accompany me. ”

“Yipee!! Thanks, Xiao! Love you~..Well platonically of course!~ ”

“Ew. ”

“What!? I said platonically!! ”

“It's not that I'm disgusted at. It's your choice of clothing. ”

“Says you with your emo ahh style. ”

And with that, you simply left the house he had rented.

Word count : [ 351 words ]

I know that college dorms comes in a apartment with many rooms( i think) but for the sake of this story, let's pretend that one can rent a house if they don't want to live in said apartment. Also, I apologize if I write differently from how a college is supposed to work, I try my best to relate it to real life colleges. I am still a high school student, spare me from my sins😞

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