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You glared daggers at the person in front of you as you swallow the tofu. Xiao take the dishes on the table and carry it to the sink.

“I thought you're staying at your mom's house? ”

“She annoyed me so I left. ”

The boy swiftly said not taking his eyes away from yours.

“I didn't know you had a girlfriend.. ”

“That's my sister. ”

“Still, I don't like the fact that you bring a woman into our apartment without my permission. ”

“You weren't home so why not? Plus, she's only my sister. ”

He let out a dissatisfied humm at Xiao's response. He tilted his head up as he straightened his back. His raven coloured hair sway as he moves. His matching orbs still fixated on you like a tiger looking at it's prey.

“Mind your eyes. ”

Xiao's voice from behind him brought you out of your trance. Although, it didn't bother his.

“Of course, don't want to deal with the geo archon's favorite now do w- ”

He was cut short as Xiao had pushed the chair he was sitting in forward, forcing for him to fall off the chair.

“Oops. ”


“Who was that anyway!? He was such a jerk! ”

One thing led to another, and now Xiao is walking you back to your dorm

“That's Scaramouche. First born of the electro archon. ”

“Oh...OH!? ”


I forgot this abt this book haha... Now the original storyline isn't there anymore...

•♡ Love Hearts ♡•♡ Scaramouche x Fem! Reader ♡•♡ Modern AU ♡•Where stories live. Discover now