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Scribbling noises came from the other side of the screen.

"You good? You keep scribbling over what you've already written"

The melody of her voice brought his face up to look at the monitor screen in front of him. He smiled as he said:

"Oh, it's just that I'm not having the right idea for this poem yet and it's due tomorrow night. Odd isn't it? I usually finish my work early but it's somehow different this time... "

The white haired male brought his hand to his chin, letting out a sigh at the thought of him not being able to finish it in time.

She lay down her chopsticks over the mouth of the cup noodle and clasp her hands together.

"What's the topic?I could find a picture that may help you come with ideas if you want! "

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Oh how she wants that smile for her forever. But it seems that the world won't-

"Hmm, let's see...do you have something that you could associates with some sort of fantasy realm? Like an ethereal scene or-"

Before he can finish his sentence, the girl had already got up and went over to a shelf on the corner of the room. She came back shortly holding what seemed like a picture book.

She flips over the pages looking for something specific. Her smile widen as she stopped at a page and took out a few photocards. She brought it to the camera for the boy to look.

"What about these? When you said the word fantasy my mind instantly went to the scenery of the Avidya Forest! I took these a while back when me and Xiao went there to meet a forest watcher from the forest. He was-WAIT WAIT no! Sorry, I went overboard there... "

A lighthearted laugh left the male's lips at the girl's behavior. He gave her a closed-eye smile and said:

"No no, it's fine..can you send me the pictures? You can give me a story time about your experience in Sumeru while I do my work"

"O-oh of course! Hold on! "

The girl quickly grab her phone and take a picture of the photos and send it to him. A 'ding!' sound from his phone as the pictures were delivered to him.

"Go on, continue your story.."

"Right! So the forest watcher name was Ti-"


The form of a legacy,

Told over when the time comes;
The leaves play a melody,

Full of elegance and charm.


"Kazu! "

The white haired boy turned around at the call of his nickname. He smiled when he saw the source of the voice.

"Oh, it's you! How are you? Do you need anything? "

The girl move her head from side to side, a 'no'. He put his free hand(which is his right hand) on top of her head and pat her.

"Then what do you need me for? Or do you just want to spend time with me?~"

He teased the girl. She tilted her head a bit and put both of her hands on her hips as if saying "so what if I does? "

"Hmm, very well..let's get to class together, shall we m'lady?~"

He held out her right hand as she takes it.

"We shall!"


It took me like a whole 36 minutes to write the poem😭😭I have no experience in writing poems forgive me for that crappy ahh stuff☹️😞
(filler chapter<3)

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