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A poet and a photographer.

Some may say the two are the best pair to ever exist. But is it?

The girl caress the medium-sized camera that was hanging around her neck. A small maple leaf keychain hang over as she brought the lense in front of her eye; capturing a gorgeous scene of the sunset sky.

As the picture role out, her phone rings in her back pocket. Picking up the call, she brought the device close to her ear. Listening in onto the soothing voice of her significant other.

“Ah, (n/n)!
Where are you? Do you need me to pick you up? ”

A sad smile crept up on her lips as she inhale and open her mouth to reply to the voice from the other side.

“Don't worry...I'll just take a taxi home. Thank you for asking tho.. ”

“Are you sure? Well ok then..Be safe, love. Bye”

“Goodbye, Kazuha.

Pressing the red button on the screen, a beep sound can be heard from the phone. Putting the phone back into her back pocket, she turned on her heels and head back to her apartment.


Poet boy🍁🍃


Did something happen
between you and (y/n)?

No? Why?

So it took a whole 36 minutes
to reply huh?🙄

What are u a FAMOUS
celeb now?

No wonder she's mad at u🥱🙄

Wait what?

I don't understand.
Wdym (y/n) is mad at me?

Dawg idk

She just came home with a sour
face and didn't want to eat dinner😕

Pls comfort her i don't want
my friend to be sick😭😭

I'll keep it in mind.

Thanks for the info, Yoimiya.

Anything anytime for her :)
Seen 19:42

光 <3

Hey, (n/n)

How r u? Yoimiya said
you didn't eat ur dinner is that


Sorry for the late reply

I was arranging my photo cards

But yeah im doing fine I just
didn't feel like eating today :)

Please at least eat something..

You'll get sick if you don't fill your
stomach with at least a little bit of food.

If you say so then ^^'

Do you want to be on call while eating?

Yk, in case you feel lonely

Sure! If you're not busy of course!!<3

I would cancel my plans for the whole
year if you asked, dear~

Bro got that rizz fr fr

[ Calling ‘光 <3’ ]



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