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I rest my chin on the edge of my palm as I stare at him.

He's breathtaking. From his gorgeous platinum locks to that beautiful crimson streak in his hair. Don't even mention on his eyes. His whole existence just screams perfection. Sometimes I wonder, do I really deserve such a beautiful angel? It always remind me of the night whe—

“Wake up, sweetheart. I'm right here~”

Oh my god.

His nicknames are so cheesy but then again, who am I to refuse an act of affection from him am I right?

“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts”

“Thoughts of what exactly, hmm?~”

He leaned closer to my face where the tip of our nose are basically brushing against each other.

“Are you high? What made you so bold all of a sudden? ”

He let out a light chuckle and backs away from my face. He slung one of his backpack strap across his shoulder and stands up looking down at me.

“C'mon, I have to take you somewhere”

Confused, I followed him out of the school and to wherever this man is taking me. His skin was that of a porcelain doll. Pale and smooth. Why does at times like this his hands look so... Holdable?

“We're here,dear! Take your eyes off the ground for me, please? ”

Not expecting anything, I looked up at the scenery in front of me.

“It's a fair. ”

“Yup! ”

“We're on a fair. ”

“Technically a date but call it whatever you want. ”

Without letting me process the words beforehand, Kazuha already walked ahead of me and into the bustling crowd.

“H-Hey! Wait! ”


“I feel sick. ”

He patted my back softly with a sarcastic smile plastered on that pretty face of his. Saying stuff like ‘It's not that bad, you're just not used to it’ and ‘You're fine, don't worry about it!

“Do you want ice cream or anything else? My treat! ”

“I want to die. ”

He brushed his hand through my hair like what a mother would do to it's child. Brushing the front hair away, he planted a soft kiss on my forehead and smiled.

“Don't be like that..if you die then I won't have anyone else to love”

A warm feeling stirred in my stomach at his words. “Ugh, whatever I wanna go home” I was desperate for affection and this man is literally I have ever asked for. Who wouldn't be flustered when that happens to them?


Awaiting me at home was my beloved wife, Yoimiya. She is the reason I feel complete and happy in this world. If she ever gets hurt or sad, I vow to hunt down the cause of her uneasy feeling and murder who ever is behind  it.

“(Y/n)!! You're back! ”

Yoimiya practically jumped at me like a puppy when it's owner gets home. I hug her back and laughed a little.

“Miss me? ”

“Of course! ”

It was cute seeing her being worried about me. It gave me a warm and comforting feeling. I told her I already ate with Kazuha and went up to my room to hopefully to freshen up and have a comfy sleep.

Oh boy was I wrong.

It feels like I was being kidnapped. A hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming and someone I didn't expect in my room.

“Can you stop being a brat for once and stay still? ”

“Eff-wei-eye. You're unwelcome here so no. ”

After what seemed like a thousand years, he finally let go of me. I immediately back up from him to keep a distance between us.

“Why and how are you here!?”

“Seriously? I let go of you and you immediately started screaming? You didn't reach my expectations, babe. ”

I mentally cringe at his words. Seriously, why even is this man here? I was having such a wonderful date with Kazuha and now he gotta be here?

“Like I would ever want to”

He suddenly leaned closer to my face without warning. I leaned back a little to avoid breathing the same air as him. I feel offended that I was considered as a same species as whatever the hell this man is—

The ringing of my phone cut the thought off as I quickly check who it was. My cheeks was tinted with a rose color as I smile gleefully and giggled at the name of the contact.



Incoming call...

Accept>>>                                              <<<Decline


Who is i—

Shh shut! Shut up!

Pressing the accept button, I brought the phone close to my ear. His voice rang across my mind like a melody.

Hello, sorry for bothering when we literally just went in a date a few moments ago but uhh.. Just wanted you to know, you left your keychain with me

“O-oh! Did I now? It must've detached without me noticing. I'll take it back next week at school? ”

Sure, fine by me. Goodnight, sweetheart. Don't forget to dream about me~ (chuckle) I'm kidding, bye!



I mentally screamed. Gosh how I love how he would call me sweet names and flirt a little. He's perfect. He probably wo—

“Umm..hello? ”

“Shut up you're unwanted here.”


I want to brutally kill myself but I haven't found someone like Kazuha </3

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