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Y/N= Your name

Y/NN=Your Nickname

Hope this helps so there no confusion.

Chapter one: Galar

I sat down on the chair I stared through the window. Umbreon was on my lap half asleep. "Y/N" Nemona called. "Aren't you excited to go to Galar?" she had a twinkle in her eye she got so excited when Clavell announced that for are last year of  Uva Academy we would be going to Galar as a "school trip". "To be honest Nee not really" I replied "Aww come on we are going to have so much fun right Umbreon?" Umbreon unlike me loved traveling he jumped up and ran around in a circle as if to say you bet. I laughed. Maybe she was right maybe I would have a good time. I dozed of.

 I felt someone shaking my arm I smacked who ever it was as if it was a Ribombee. "Wake up or we will leave with out you" I opened my eyes. Nemona staring right into my Y/E/C eyes. "Fine lets go". I returned Embreon to his Poke Ball. I stepped out of the gate the wind in my hair. I shivered but not from the cold. Nemona grabbed my hand and dragged me along. We plopped down into some seats. A random girl from Uva sat down with us. "Hi I'm Nemona and this is Y/N" Nemona began. "And whats your name?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm Lily and this is my partner Dolliv." On que a Pokémon came out of the poke ball. Nemona looked at the Dolliv in wonder. "This is my partner Quaquaval" she smiled proud of her Pokémon. I looked at Nemona. How did she make friends so quickly?

 The only reason we where friends really was because Clavell asked her to show me where the school was. I guess you could say we bonded when she showed me how to catch a Pokémon. They rambled on about there Pokémon so I just stared out of the window. "Y/N?" a shy voice asked. I turned my head to see lily looking at me. "Yeah?" I mumbled not wanting to engage in the conversation. "Who's your partner?" Her words came out nearly as a whisper. I took Umbreons poke ball and threw it in the air. When he came out he let out a load battel cry. The flight assistant gave me a look to shut Umbreon up. "This is my partner Umbreon"

 I stared into her blue eyes her blond hair neatly in a bun. "His cute" she was staring at his rings. "Aren't they supposed to be yellow?" She asked with and unreadable expression. I sighed "Yes but his shiny" I looked at her blankly did she ever see shiny Pokémon before. "Ooh" she replied guess not. 

Everyone went silent. Nemona decided that is was to quiet so she spoke up. "So what are your guys plans when we get to Galar?" she asked curiosity in her voice. "Well" Lily replied "I want to meet the Gym leader Raihan. His cute in my opinion" She smiled. "Can I see a picture?" Nemona asked. "Of course" She pulled up a photo of him on her phone. "Your right he is cute" Lily laughed at Nemonas comment. She showed me Lily's phone "Y/NN what do ya think?" I took the phone from her. " I think he is cosplaying as a dragon" Lily looked at me blankly like I said something I shouldn't of have. Nemona took the phone back "Let me see it again" She burst out laughing "Omg he does" Lily look at her in shock. I looked a Lily "I don't suppose his the dragon type gym leader?" she opened her moth and closed it again before speaking "yes...... he his" Me and Nemona burst out laughing.

 "Whats so funny you have dragon types Y/N" she asked with a straight face. Who peed in her cornflakes? "First of all how do you know I have dragon types? 2nd of all I don't dress up like a dragon so there's a difference. A big one." 

I turned to Nemona "Whats your plan Nee?" She smiled "You know me I'm going to enter the gym challenge I think Clavell will indorse me what about you Y/N?" I looked at her what was I going to do? I shrugged and looked out the window. I could see Galar in the distance I looked at Umbreon who had returned to my lap and fell asleep. Nemonas words replayed in my mind. What was I going to do?

AN: Hello this is my first ever book I have wrote. Ill try update it as much as possible. Thanks for reading this far.

Word count: 783

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