Late night, talking

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Y/N= Your name

Y/F/S=Your favourite song

Y/E/C= Your eye colour 

Hope this helps so there no confusion.

Chapter three: Late night, talking

I woke up and rolled over and grabbed my rotom phone. 1:57. I ground. There was no way I would be able to go back to sleep. I stepped over Nemona. I stepped out of the tent. Umbreon. I sat down beside him. He looked up at me and snuggled closer. "I cant wait to go home" Umbreon looked at me. "I know we have been here for a few hours but.... I miss Poppy and Rika." Umbreon placed his paw on my lap. "I'm fine" I looked into his red eyes. "No...NO....Fine" I sang Y/F/S. Umbreon fell asleep. I heard foot steps in the grass. A shadow coming closer and closer. 

"Cant sleep?" I asked staring out at the vast lake. "No you?" I shake my head. "I think I would be  asleep if I could" He chuckled. "True true." I looked into his aqua eyes. "Whats keeping you awake then?" I queried. "Who knows maybe the fact Leon challenged you." He looked at me and sighed. "Well I never have seen Leon challenge." I smiled proudly. Its probably his Come back but who can after what I said" He smiled "Whats keeping you up then miss ex champion." I ground. "Only Nee calls me that. And I miss home I know I've been gone for what a day? But you know I have family there. Well the closest thing I have to family." He nodded his head. "I remember when me Leon and Sonia set out of are journey. I'm pretty sure I wanted to go home the second we went on the train." I laughed "Must be a recorded" He grinned "I suppose it is" 

He looked at Umbreon. "You too are close" I nodded. "He was my first Pokémon. I remember opening the pink box and there he was. My friends where saying how lucky I was. Most people got there Pokémon from Cavell. His the last thing I have of them" He nodded slowly. "Enough about me. What about you. Who was your first Pokémon." He smiled and pulled out a poke ball. A flygon flew in the air spinning around. I laughed makes senses for a dragon type trainer." He nodded "Do you have any?" I looked confused. "Dragon types I mean" I nodded my head and threw two poke balls in the air. 

"Meet Salamence and dragonite" He looked in awe at Salamence. "Got him from a friend when he was just a lil egg" Dragonite took a step closer without me noticing before picking me up. He swung me left and right hugging me as tight as possible. "I love you too" Raihan's reaction was priceless. "Dragonite put me down please." He set me down on the grass gently. I patted his head. Salamence stared at us. "Come here ya big softy." Salamence joined the group hug followed by Umbreon. I laughed. 

Dragonite jumped into the water Salamence close behind. I sat at the bank back beside Raihan. "You are awfully close to your Pokémon" I nodded my head. "I've know them since forever." He looked at the two dragons in the water. "Seems like it when your such good friends doesn't it?" I chuckled. "Ture. But really enough about me what bout you? How did you become the 'dragon tamer'?" He shrugged. "I battled Leon in the semi finales and the previous gym trainer took me under his wing." 

The moons reliction could be seen on the water. A full moon. No wonder he came out. Raihan took the silence as a clue to go on. " According to Leon when he was still a champion. I was his only worthy rival. But to be honest I was never close to even beating him" I nodded. "I know how it is to live in the shadows. Sometimes I wonder what would of happened if people noticed me." Are eyes met. I sighed. "But we are side characters in other peoples stories. So if there isn't people in the shadows. He cut me of. "The main characters cant shine" His aqua eyes stared into my Y/E/C ones. "Someone final gets it" He laughed.

 "Whats so funny" He looked at me with a malicious grin. "Ooh nothing" I stood up. "IF you don't tell me I will do something you will regret." His grin widened. "Your on" I looked at the lake and gave out a loud sharp whistle. Dragonite cam running out of the water. I said something that he could only hear. I walked back to the tent. Dragonite picked up Raihan. And gave him a big wet hug. Before yeeting him in the lake. 

"Raihan what are you doing out here. And why are you soaking?" Nessa integrated. "Long storey he said looking in my direction. "C'mon there's no way that's possible." I looked a Nemona "Yes it is Nee" The rest of the group looked at the girls bicker about who knows what. "Girls no fighting please" Nessa stated as calmly as possible. "Yes miss Water type Gym leader" we chanted. She rolled her eyes and started to walk to the hotel. I turned my head to Nemona. "I'm still right."

 I zoomed of as fast as I could catching up with Penny. "Pen?" Penny turned her head and smiled. "Can I chill with you for a while. I think is thinking of some way to kill me." She chuckled. "Sure. I wonder if were going to have to find are treasure this year" I thought for a monument. "Actually I would be surprised if we didn't." She gazed at the blue sky lost in her thoughts. "Where were you last night I woke up and you were gone." I reflected on what happened last night. "Nothing just went star gazing with Umbreon."

A/N Chapter 3 done hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading this far. If you got any Pokémon ideas for are team please do tell.

Word count: 1007

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