Chapter 11

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After taking a lot of pictures together, Becky took Freen's hand and she ran to her family. She really wanted to present her new friend to her father, since he advised her to give Freen a chance. Freen didn't know where they are going, but she followed Becky's lead.
"Kid, where are we going?" Freen stopped when they were almost in front of Taylor and Harry.
"I want you to meet my family." Becky said grinning from ear to ear.
"Becky, no! I don't want this! I'm.." Freen complaints, but suddenly Harry called Becky.
"Rebecca! Please, come here, both of you!" This made both girls go to the Swift-Styles family. Becky realized Freen didn't want it, and she whispered "Sorry!" in her friend's ear.
Freen was extremely uncomfortable meeting new people, especially Becky's family. She will have to face her mother's worst enemy, and she doesn't even know how to react to that. There were Becky's grandparents, uncles and aunties, and Becky took her time to present Freen to everyone. Finally, she presented her parents.
"Freen.. This is my mother, Taylor, and this is my father, Harry. Mom and dad, I present you my friend, Freen., who is actually my workmate." Becky said enthusiastically.
"Hello! Nice to meet you, both!" Freen said cracking a small smile out of respect.
"Nice to meet you..." Becky's parents said at the same time. "So, you are the famous Freen.. Becky told us about you. You seem to get along well. I am glad for that. Plus you are very beautiful, and you seem like a nice girl." Harry told Freen, smiling.
"Thank you so much!" Freen thanked smiling.
Their discussion was interrupted by some journalists. Becky's family made sure that everyone will see what great party they have for their daughter. Becky wasn't a big fan of this decision, but she had to deal with that.
"Happy Birthday, Becky! We are here to wish you all the best." The journalist said.
"Thank you, guys! I am happy that you are here, and you are celebrating my birthday along us." Becky smiled and held Freen's hand tightly.
"Oh! What a beautiful necklace! Is this a birthday gift?"
"Yes.. I received it from a very special friend." Becky said, making Freen smile.
"I guess she's your co star, right?"
"Yes, her name is Freen. And we play together in the next project."
"Miss Freen.. Nice to meet you! What gift did Becky receive from you?"
"Hello! Nice to meet you too! It's a secret. But I know she would love it." Freen said smiling, playing along with Becky, who didn't tell them about the necklace.
"Oh, ok.. You too are very close, right?" This question made both girls nod their heads.
"Yes, we are very close. If I had a sister, Freen would be the best sister in the world." Becky said smiling to Freen.
"Yes. Same. We are definitely sisters." Freen cracked a small laugh.
"Thank you so much! We will go ask your parents some questions, now. Happy birthday, Becky!" The journalist stated.
"Thanks for having me! I want to thank everyone for their birthday wishes! Love you all!" Becky waved and sent virtual kisses to the camera.
The movie director wanted a picture with all the movie team, than he wanted a picture with both Freen and Becky. They kept taking pictures for half an hour, until they got tired. After that, Cole came and asked Becky for a dance, and she accepted it, while Freen was standing near a table with drinks, next to Hailee.
"Do you know him?" Freen asked Hailee, referring to Cole.
"Yeah.. He and Becky are very close. I am pretty sure he has a crush on her." Hailee added, while taking a sip from her third glass of whiskey.
"Yeah, he does. He confessed to me one time." Kirk came by and continued the conversation.
"Really? I didn't notice that." Freen said, feeling uncomfortable with the news.
"Well.. Look closer to how he is holding her, while dancing, and the way they smile to each other... So cute... Cole told me that Taylor kept pushing him to ask her out, but he is not that confident." Kirk added, and this made Freen extremely uncomfortable, so she shifted and she poured some whiskey in the glass, and added two ice cubes to that.
"Kirk, Kirk... Becky is more interested in Freen than Cole." Hailee said, already drunk, and that made Freen blush.
"Well.. it's 23:00... won't they bring the birthday cake?" Freen asked.
"Why? Are you in hurry, Cinderella? Will you turn yourself into a pumpkin?" Hailee asked her friend.
Becky and Cole stopped dancing, and Cole kissed Becky's left cheek, making her blush. Freen felt like she will throw up watching them. She didn't know what it is wrong with her, but she hated this Cole guy, and seeing him with Becky made her feeling something weird. She drunk the whole glass of whiskey, and she wanted to go outside to smoke some cigarettes, but Becky blocked her way.
"Where do you think you are going? It's almost time for the birthday cake." Becky said, taking Freen's hand in hers, and dragged her in the center of the dance floor.
"Becky! I am not going to dance. I'm grieving, so I can't do that." Freen complained.
"We won't dance... We will stay here and wait for the cake.." Right when she finished the sentence, the waiters entered with the big birthday cake and a big bottle of a very expensive champagne. Everyone started singing Happy Birthday and Freen slowly rubbed Becky's back smiling at her. When she had to blow the candles, Freen carefully arranged her hair, not to get burnt, holding it until she finished it, and arranging it back to how it was.
"Drink! Drink! Drink!" Everyone around them shouted, and the waiter opened the champagne battle, passing it to Freen, who immediately took it.
"Are you ready, Princess?" Freen laughed at Becky, who nodded.
Freen slowly raised the bottle, placing it to Becky's mouth, and carefully starting to level up the bottle. Everyone applauded and kept shouting. When Freen felt like it is enough, she gently took the champagne from Becky and kissed her forehead.
"From now on, you can drink, kid!" Freen whispered to Becky's ear, and that made Becky smile and hug her tightly.
"Freen.. could you please, cut the cake for me... I am very clumsy, and I am afraid I will drop something." Becky told Freen, who refused to do it. Becky is the birthday girl. She is the one who should do it. But as soon as Becky started cutting the first piece of cake, Freen took the plate and the spoon from the waiter and helped her friend place it on that. Becky smiled at Freen and she opened her mouth like a kid, waiting to receive the food. Freen chuckled and gently fed Becky with the cake from the plate. They didn't realize that there were people around them, who were now cheering for them. After this, Taylor came and placed in her daughter's hand a very beautiful designed gold key, where she had her initials engraved. Becky took it in her hands and shouted "'I've got the key of the door, never been 21 before!", while everyone cheered out for her. Last but not least, her father placed a very beautiful tiara on her head, smiling and saying "A crown for the crown year birthday!", while everyone applauded.
The MC of the party announced for everyone to get out of the house for the fireworks show. Becky turned her way to look at Freen, and took her hand in hers:"Let's go!" The older girl followed her outside, and they watched the fireworks together. It was a very beautiful moment for them. At the end of the show, Becky looked at Freen smiling in a very beautiful way, that made her blush.
"I'm very happy you could make it, you know? Thank you!"
"I know... I'm glad I could make it too...Now, let's hit inside because I really want to taste that birthday cake." Freen said, making both laugh.
After Freen ate her cake, Taylor dragged her to a near room. Freen was taken by surprise by that gesture, and she didn't know what is this all about. Taylor closed the door of the room and started talking.
"Hello! Look! I know you are at the begging of your career in acting, but please don't drag my daughter into this!" Taylor told Freen.
"I'm sorry.. I don't.." Freen started to defend herself.
"Don't interrupt me! I noticed the way you two are acting. Stay away from my daughter, or else you will suffer the consequences!" Taylor insisted.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am! With all due respect to you, you just threatened me, and this is not quite legal." Freen warned her.
"Really? Sue me! Did you forget who are you talking about? I'm Taylor Swift! Do you know me? My lawyer is actually the dean of your university." The last sentence made Freen open her mouth in shock... She was now threatened with the university background... "Yes.. You understood it correctly... As far as I know, your plans were to graduate this year.. I don't think you want something bad to happen..." Taylor pushed Freen.
"What's your problem with me, Ma'am? I am a nobody. I didn't do anything wrong." Freen defended herself.
"Exactly! You're a nobody! You don't deserve to stay near my daughter. My daughter is a Swift-Styles. You? You are what? Huh?" She placed her hands on Freen's chin and lift it up forcefully. "Leave my daughter alone! You don't deserve her! You are worthless. As soon as you finish this stupid movie, you will walk away. I don't want to read or hear anything from you on the internet stating some secrets about my daughter or my family, understand? Now, get out of my house!" Taylor yelled at Freen, who ran away from the house right to Max, holding up her tears.
As soon as she entered the car, Max noticed that Freen is not as happy as she was when he brought her to the party, but he started driving silently, cursing a little bit under his breath.
"So the party is done.. Did you have fun?" Max asked her.
"Yeah.. it was pretty." Freen said, still holding her tears. Since her aunt died, it was very hard to make her cry, but right now she seemed like she would start crying in any minute.
"You know... you don't seem like it... I know it is not my job, but what is wrong? Did anyone harm you?" He pulled over, ready to turn the car and beat someone out.
"No one! Please! Let's go home as faster as you can!" Freen begged him.
When they arrived home, Freen ran into her room, jumped on her bed and started crying. In her head was only "you are a nobody! Get out of my house!". Her mother was right for her not to go... She didn't want to tell her anything about this incident, yet she needed help in case there will be repercussions for her education. She had never been so humiliated in her entire life, and she swore she would never step into Becky's house again.  Why would Taylor yell at her? Her and Becky were just friends...

...To be continued...

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