Chapter 1: S6E17

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Setting: Local Bar in D.C

Emily's POV:
As I get to the bar I sit in my car for a few minutes to calm myself down since I had noticed I was shaking on my way here. I know that Sean wouldn't have called me like this if it wasn't important. I quickly got out and step in to greet Sean who is sitting in a booth in viewpoint of the entrance. I walk over to give him a quick hug and a friendly hello and ask how he was doing. When he gives no response and keeps a serious face I quickly change my expression and give a worried look as I realize whatever he is about to tell me is not going to be good.

He continues to say calmly," Emily, Ian Doyle escaped from prison." The second those words come crawling out of his mouth and into my ears my heart sank down to my stomach. As I take a second to process the words I manage to ask holding back my emotions if he is certain. He replies saying he got word from the prison he was sent to that he escaped. In that moment so many flashbacks come running through my head all the terrible things I had witnessed, not to mention the things he did to me. I eventually snap out of it back to me still sitting there across from Sean who I could tell was just waiting for me to say something.

I asked him he thought I was in any danger and he replied with low stern tone but still a little fear in his voice, " We all are."

My heart sank even lower if that's even possible. For a second I feel frozen in fear. We then finished up and I walked out and into my car to drive to my apartment. I quickly ran up the stairs and into my bedroom where there was a safe hidden in a small department in my tv stand at the bottom towards the middle. I opened it grabbing a case file. I quickly opened it up reviewing it. It was the case file from when we finished the Ian Doyle case. It was my last case before joining the BAU. Then remembering the small velvet drawstring bad still sitting in the safe, I go to grab it. I put the file down on the floor next to me on the floor close to the safe where I pull the bad out and open it. It was the gold necklace Ian gave me. It was a gimmal ring. We both got one and at the wedding they combined then into one ring. Ian remembered I was the type who liked to wear rings so he put mine on a gold chain to wear around my neck.

I then heard my phone ding. I picked it up and looked. It was a message from JJ


JJ: hey where are you?

That was when I said to my self, "shit, I'm late!" I started by taking the file and necklace and throwing it back in the safe. I jumped up ran to out my shoes on and grab my bags for work and ran out the door. Didn't even realize til later I forgot to shut the door to the safe.


"Sorry I'm late" I say rushing in.
Everyone stops to stare for a moment as I try to change the subject by asking what I missed. Hotch paused and asking if I was fine. I reply calmly with a slight smile explaining that I got caught in traffic. I lied but it's not like I could tell them the truth. I couldn't bring them into this and especially risk them getting hurt. After all I should almost better than anyone what he was capable of.

As Hotch continues briefing us before leave on the jet. I couldn't even focus on anything he was saying. So I just sat there as I watched him continue so they wouldn't get suspicious but my mind could only go back to the flashbacks of Doyle.

Flashback to when Emily was undercover on the Doyle case

Lauren's POV

It was late at night and I had woken up to some sort of loud bang. I was scared to get out of bed at first because I thought it was most likely Ian but then I rolled over and seen he was still asleep next to me. I quickly jumped up and woke him up telling him why before he he got any more mad at me for waking him up. He then quickly got out of bed when he heard a second loud bang and got he gun from the nightstand drawer next to him. He went down stairs and told me to stay put. I did as I was told, but when he didn't come back after a little while I got to worried and came out to find him.

I then stumbled on him in the kitchen with his gun a young girls head. I made sure he couldn't see me as I was afraid he would see me and hit me or worse. As I was watching this it was taking everything in me to not come and try to help the poor girl. I had to cup my hands over my hands to keep me from making any noise because I started crying. I had never seen her before but it looked like she been held a prisoner of some sort for a while. You could see she had been beaten repeatedly and had tear stained eyes looking straight in the barrel of his gun crying. She was begging him for her life as he held the gun to her head. I seen one of the cupboards were open and looked like she might have been trying to sneak food. And a minute or two of him clearing enjoying listening to her beg for her life, he pistol whipped her across the face and dragged her to what looked like they were headed towards the basement. Though I felt so guilty leaving her I had to run back up the steps to the bedroom before he came back and notices I'm gone.

Hey, please let me know what you guys think. This my first time writing anything on here so I hop e you like it and I'm always open to tips or suggestions while I write more chapters assuming anyone might interested in me continuing to write more. Thanks for reading❤️

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