Chapter 9: Search and Rescue (Part 2)

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Setting: Hospital

Emily's POV:

"Are you hungry? I can go get you something," she offers. "No I'm okay, thank you Garcia," I say.
My doctor comes in with a concerned face. She walks over to me and asks," Um, Emily, could I ask you a few quick questions?"
"Yeah, but please make it quick I'm waiting for an update on Declan," I reply.
"Declan? The boy that was with you, right?"
"Yeah, they still haven't found him," I say looking down on my hands then looking back at the doctor.
"So what questions did you have for me?" I add.
"Oh well, when you came in we had to run a full body examination and have reason to believe you are pregnant," she replies shyly.
I froze.
"How do you know?" I ask with a trembling voice.
"When you came in, there was a lot of severe bruising on your body, including in your abdominal area. We did an ultrasound to check for internal bleeding. That's when I seen that you were about 3 months pregnant," she says.
"Oh god," I say putting my face in my hands as I start to cry again. I try my best to keep it together, but I just can't take anymore.
"I can understand if you don't want to keep this baby, so if you would like I will get a doctor that is very experienced in this to explain your options to you." She says sympathetically. I nod my head yes.
I don't even know what I want to do yet. How could I not know I was pregnant? How did I not miscarry? Oh my god, how am I going to tell the team!? They're going to find out eventually, but I don't think I can face them. For now, I need to find Declan.

Calling Derek...
D: Hey, how are you doing?
E: Hey Derek, I'm getting there, but that's not why I called. Is there any update on Declan?
D: I'm sorry baby, but we are still looking.
E: Has he told you anything useful yet?
D: No, Hotch is in there now, but I don't think we are going to get anything out of him.
E: Tell Hotch to not waste his time on him. I know that sick son of a bitch is just getting off on this.
D: He knows how to avoid giving this ass the satisfaction he is looking for, don't worry Emily. He is going to burn in hell for what he did.
E: I never really got the chance to thank you for saving me. If you hadn't come when you did I would be on a slab in the morgue.
D: Don't talk like that, all I did was get you out of there, but your a fighter Emily. You fought to stay alive, you saved yourself. I need you to know how proud I am of you. Your a fighter, never forget that.
E: Just please, find him Derek.
D: We will, if we find anything you will be the first to hear about it, I promise.
E: Thank you, and be safe please.
D: Always
Call ended...

Derek's POV:

I start to go over to Garcias office.
"Hey Garcia, talk to me." I say walking over to her.
"Well, I have contacted Interpol to let them know what we've got so far. They said they would contact me with any other information they might find," she replies.
"Okay, I have an idea. Try cross referencing the men that were working for Doyle with any vacant properties. Could be owned by them or family," I suggest.
"Okay let me just see," she says typing.
"We've got 27 buildings," she says.
"Try narrowing it down to Massachusetts," I add.
"4, I'll send them to the team but there is one that sticks out," she replies.
"What about it?" I ask.
"3 are rental homes and the last one is a warehouse in Winchester."
"Thanks baby girl," I say giving Garcia a kiss on her head.
"Anytime love!" She says with a smirk.

Sorry this took so long. I hope you guys like this chapter and please feel free to give feedback 🫶.

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