Chapter 6: Tunnel vision

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Setting: BAU

6 months later

Reids POV:

It's been 6 months and we still can't find her. I've really been struggling with this. I've been going to JJ's house at least once a week crying over Emily. I feel bad coming to her out of the blue when she has a family she has to take care of, but I'm afraid if I don't I might start using again. I just can't stop hating myself, the team too, for not doing anything to prevent this. We are all some of the best profilers and we all knew something was wrong and we just shrugged all of the signs off. I know she told us to leave her alone, but we should've pushed harder. I just don't understand why Interpol hasn't found anything. We were kicked off the case after about a month of searching because we were too emotionally attached. Plus, Interpol could do a little more than we could. Our jurisdictions stop at US boards but they might have fled the country and they can still investigate if they did. Meanwhile none of us can think straight, it's like working on a case of a family member. The fact is, we all know she has to still be out there, still with that jackass. She probably thinks we've given up on her by now, but even though we were kicked off we have still been investigating on our own time. They can't actually expect that we were just going to just forget about her and not do anything to get her back. I know this has really been getting to Morgan too.

Derek's POV:

I can't sleep, eat, let alone function normally anymore. It's been 6 months and I don't think I can take much more of this. I can't stop thinking about the last I seen her. I knew something was going on and did nothing to help her. I told her she could trust me all she had to do was tell me what was going on. At first I was pissed off that she lied about her past, but now I just feel guilty. I understand why she felt she couldn't tell us what she was going through. I know she was just trying to protect us. Garcia was right, because of us she is god only knows where with arguably the worst person she could be with right now. I can't even imagine what he is doing to her right now and I'm trying so hard to find her but I'm not getting anywhere. I just need her to be okay or this team will not be okay. We're barley hanging on as it is.


Hey sorry this took a couple days. Wasn't sure what way I was going with this, should I do flash backs for Emily or should I just tell it as her POV but as it is happening? Thanks for reading 💖🫶

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