Chapter 10: Safe (Declan pt.3)

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Setting: BAU

Derek's POV:

Calling Emily...

E: Hey Derek, anything on Declan?
D: Yeah that's actually why I called. We've got a lead.
E: That's great! What've you got?
D: I had Garcia dig more into the backgrounds of the people we know have worked for Doyle.
E: And what did you find?
D: I was just getting to that. One of the men's family has a commercial property in Winchester, Massachusetts. Hotch is getting a warrant as we speak.
E: Okay, call me when you finish the search.
D: Of course, talk to ya in a little while.
Call ended.

"On 3 we go in," said the SWAT commander.
"1,2,3, Go!" He said 30 seconds later. The guy with the pry bar takes the door down and we all go in.
"Declan!" I yell out for him.
Seconds later I hear others call out," Declan!"
As we move up the second story I hear a boy crying. "Declan! If you can hear me make a sound!" I yell out. As I'm looking around I grab my walkie and just as I was about to call for back up when I feel a pain in the back of my head, then everything goes black.
I slowly start to open my eyes. My head feels like there's rocks in it and I can hear sirens.
It feels like the room is moving. That means that I'm in an ambulance or I must have hit my head a little too hard.
"Declan, we need to find him," I say as I am still kinda out of it.
"Morgan it's Hotch, we have Declan," I hear a man say next to me.
"Where the hell am I?" I ask.
"Your in an ambulance, you were blitzed from behind, but don't worry we got the son of bitch and Declan is safe." He reassures me.
"Hotch do me a favor will you?" I ask.
"Yeah what do you need?" he replies.
"Call Emily let her know we found Declan," I say.
"Rossi is already on it," he says.

Emily's POV:

Incoming call from Rossi..
E: Hello, is everything okay?
R: Hey kiddo, everything is fine. I was calling to give you the news.
E: You found Declan?!
R: Yeah, along with one of Doyle's guys.
E: Oh thank god! Is he hurt?
R: From what I've heard, no. Just shaken up.
E: Where Derek? He said he would call.
R: He's on his way to the hospital.
E: With Declan?
R: Well not exactly...
E: What does that even mean.
R: Derek is fine, he's just got a little bump on his head from the search. He will be out in no time.
E: What happened?!
R: Derek was searching the second story and got blitzed from behind. Hotch is with him now, but we caught the idiot trying to run out the back.
E: Okay thanks Rossi
R: Anytime kid!
R: Oh hey, I wanted to ask if you were up to a visitor a little later today?
E: Yeah, that would be okay, JJ stopped by a little bit ago and is coming back with some lunch for the two of us.
R: Haha, okay sounds good I'll come over a little later.
E: Oh, one last thing. Could you check up on Declan before you head over?
R: Of course, I'll talk to the doctor and see what we can do about transferring him to your hospital.
E: Thanks, that would be great! See ya soon, bye.
Call ended...


"Hey who was that?" I ask Emily while walking back into the room from going to get us lunch.
"Rossi giving me some good news. They found Declan!" she says with a smile I haven't seen in a while.
"Emily that amazing! Did they say how he was doing?" I ask.
"Rossi is coming over with an update later today," she says.
"What?" she ask clearly noticing me staring.
"Nothing, it's just really good to see you smile again," I say.
"Yeah I'm just so glad he's safe," she says smiling. I go over to her and set the food down on the side table. When I look back over her smile had changed to a frown.
"Hey, what's wrong?," I say sitting down next to her.
"I just can't stop hating myself for what I did to Declan." she replies, now crying.
"What do you mean by that?" I say confused.
"I told Doyle about Declan. I should have just shut up. It my fault he took Declan," she cries out.
"Emily he tortured you for 8 months. This is not your fault he wanted to break you. You protected Declan," I say hugging her.
"He wouldn't even know if it weren't for me." She says still crying. I could tell she was trying to hold it in, but couldn't anymore. I couldn't help but hold her in my arms. I lay next to her with my arms wrapped around her in the bed.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask.
"He drugged me with scopolamine, he made me hallucinate the team rescuing me and that's when I thought I was telling Hotch that Declan alive," she answers.
"Emily, he drugged you, made you hallucinate things. He tricked your mind into thinking you were safe. This is not your fault you couldn't have known," I say softly holding her tighter now.
"But I should've known. It's was too easy. I should've seen it was a trap," she says shaking her head.
"Hey, why don't we eat some lunch. You need to build up your strength," I say trying to change the subject. I hand her the sandwich I got her from the cafeteria. She takes it and just sits it in her lap still wrapped. I sigh sitting back down next to her. I pull her into my chest, holding her close. I feel a warm tear start to slide down my cheek.

Declan's POV:

"Lauren?" I call out. I try opening my eyes it's so bright in here.
"Where am I?"
Is it over? Where's Lauren?
"Hey, your awake! How are you feeling tough guy?" I hear in a mans voice. He has an American accent which is a good sign, though I have been tough to be cautious. I sit up and see a strange man sitting down at the other side of the room.
"Who- who are you?" I say.
"My name is Dave, I'm a friend of Emily's. Your in the hospital, do you remember what happened?" The man asks. At first I was confused when he said Emily but then I remembered my dad saying something before about her name was once Emily, but he made me called Lauren.
"No, where's Lauren?" I ask.
"She's at a different hospital. She has been worried sick about you kid," he replies.
"I need to see her," I say anxiously. Lauren protected me, she saved me.
"I know kid, I told the doctor we need to transfer you," he says calmly. I nod my head back towards him.

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