Chapter 3: (Chapter 2 continued) Secrets unraveled

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Emilys POV:

Derek pulled up in front of the address Garcia gave us. It was strange all the lights were off and I didn't look like anyone was home. We got out anyway to be sure. As I was getting out I heard the front door open and immediately after I heard Derek shout," PRENTISS! GET DOWN!"
It took me a second to figure out why and I heard rapid gunfire less than a second after coming from the direction of the front door. I dropped to floor and thankfully was on the other side. Derek was able to get around by me as they continued to shoot at the SUV. Every so often it would stop because they were running away. Derek and I quickly stand up to shoot back. They headed for their van with a getaway driver ready to take off. Just before the last guy could get in I shot him in the leg.
We quickly ran over as they took off in the van and seen they left the man I shot for dead.


The team had arrive at the scene about 15 minutes ago. Derek and I were explaining what had happened. We walked over to the guy I shot and noticed that he was also shot in the wrist. We were throwing theories of why when Reid then crouched down to get a closer look. "Hey guys look at this," he said suddenly holding up his wrist," I think he had a tattoo!"
We all look at him them at each other and knew that was our key to identifying him.


We all got back to the BAU to return the SUVs and grab anything we might need before heading home after the night we had. I had a really strong feeling of being watched. It's probably paranoia but just to be sure I took my gun and went out to a 24 hour cafe and bought 2 coffees. I went over to a public seating area and just waited. It is currently 12:48pm and it was just me alone surrounded by empty chairs and tables, just waiting.


It had been almost an hour and I had finished my coffee. I was just sitting there starting to get a little tired considering when I did get to go home for the night I wasn't getting any sleep. All I could do was watch the door with my gun ready to fire at anyone who is trying to get in. I was sitting there in the chair starting to lose sight of why I was there. But then a mysterious hand came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder, a familiar feeling but not a good one.

My whole body flinched and tightened up as chills ran down my back. He let go and sat down across from me. My heart dropped as I saw his face for the first time since his arrest. I sat face to face with the monster from my past. Looking into his cold even blue eyes. I had my gun under the table ready to shoot at any sudden movement.

He seemed extremely calm but angry. I warned him that I had my gun pointed at him. He then told me calmly that he wasn't working alone and if I shot him I would never make it back to my car. He said he had a plan for me and not to worry about today but he will soon.  Another wave of chills ran through my body.

I still kept it together as he warned me to keep my team out of this and then explained that he was also watching them too and would kill them if I told them. He soon after left and I eventually went back home.

The next morning I met up with Tsia, who had made it back to the states, and Clyde (our old team leader) in the subway. I informed them that Ian Doyle was here in D.C. they of course asked if I was sure so I tell them how I seen him with my own two eyes. Clyde reminds me that he made a promise that I would never be harmed while undercover. Even though I was still harmed while undercover I just never told them because them would have pulled me back in, but I knew that I had to keep going to put that asshole away. I then reminded Clyde I wasn't undercover anymore and how he was on my turf so I need to bring the fight to him. We arrived at my stop and I got off to head to the BAU.


"Hey guys sorry I'm late what are we working on?" I said while rushing to find the team. They were going over what they had on the guy that I shot last night. "Reid was just trying to get a rough sketch on what was left of the tattoo of the victim. The rest of us were just review what else we had so far." Hotch replied while looking worried," Are you okay?" Hotch added. I looked up at him and said with a reassuring face, " yeah I'm fine, it's just one of those weeks I guess."
Reids head then shot up and he said anxiously, " okay I'm done!" We all look over to him holding up a lined piece of paper with a four leaf clover sketched on it. When I seen it my heart started pounding out of my chest. I couldn't even breathe as I started to panic. I quietly snuck out out of the room and to the bathroom.
When I get in the bathroom I recollect myself and call Tsia to tell them what I just found out. As soon as she picked up and I told her to go to an apartment of my old friend who can help her and get fake IDs. Suddenly Penelope came in with JJ and I hung up.
"Hey what's going on with you lately?" She says concerned.
"Don't start" I snap back. Before turning away I looked right back at her realizing that was a little harsh as I look at JJ giving me a concerning look. I turn to pen and say,
"I'm sorry, I've just not been sleeping lately. I've been having this dream where I'm walking up this hill and there's this little girl up there and I'm trying to get to her. But as I'm walking the hill keeps getting steeper and steeper and I can't get to her. I start to panic because I know what the world can do to a girl who only sees beauty in it." I start to tear up and I look up and pen who is getting emotional as well and say, " like you." I then walk past them and out the door to the team. As I step around the corner Spencer walks up and says Hotch needs me in the round table room.

I walk in and sit in one of the chairs by the round table as Hotch explains that there is two new victims at an apartment complex nearby. I froze realizing who one of the victims might be. He sent Derek to go check it out and volunteered to go with to know for sure who the victims are.


We arrived and went upstairs to the scene and I knew the moment I saw her. I couldn't even move. This is all my fault, I told her to come here and she got killed because of it. I felt myself tearing up so I stepped outside and felt so nauseous. I threw up and just after I seen Derek out the corner of my eye. I asked if we could stop by my place so I could change since I got it on my pants and shoes. He agreed so we headed to the SUV.

I walked inside, changed, then quickly went back into the safe with the case file and pulled out the ring to put in my pocket. I quickly ran back out since he told me Hotch wanted us back right away. I got in and we headed back to the BAU.

As we walked in all the task forces working with us were there with our team as Hotch was delivering the profile. I stood behind Derek looking around at my team spread out in the crowd as they listened to the profile. As I looked at each of them I remembered all the amazing memories I had with each of them and remembering how they became the best family I could have asked for. I trusted them and loved them more than my own parents. I know what I had to do to keep them safe, I walk out of the BAU without anyone noticing and called one of my contacts to get what I needed before facing Doyle.


I just got to Boston since I knew he would want to go back to where it all began. Where we met. I stopped at the bar we met at called "The Black Shamrock." This is where I met him and where he met me. I went in knowing he wouldn't be here for a while. I got a drink and sat in the back where we were 8 years ago. After about ten minutes I heard a familiar voice, Fahey, he introduced me to Doyle. I quickly got out before he seen me which wasn't to hard since he was arguing with the bartender. I hid in the back seat of his car knowing it wouldn't be long before he came back.
He got in and before he could realize I was there I held my gun to the back of his head. I needed to know what I was up against so I asked him how many guys Doyle had with him. At first he gave me some bullshit answer until I reminded him that I had my glock on the back of his head. He finally managed to spit out the truth. I gave him a warning shot right next to his ear to not warn Doyle that I was here.


I'm currently in my car waiting for Doyle to come out of the bar with his people when I checked my phone seeing that I had a voice mail with a familiar number. I played it and it was Garcia. After listening to it I felt so guilty for leaving them, I seen Doyle's people getting into their two SUVs so I pulled myself together reminding myself that this was to protect them. I got the gun out of the case my old contact gave me and grabbed the flash grenades from the case as well. I got out as the first car drove off. And before the second could take off I attacked. I came around with the gun in my hand looking for Doyle. I turned around and before I could pull the trigger or do anything I felt two blasts to my chest. I must of blacked out for a second because when I opened my eyes the next thing I knew I was on the ground with him standing over me. I felt him lifting my shirt up knowing I would be wearing a vest. I tried getting up but everything was so blurry and I felt so weak. I soon after lost consciousness.

Thank you so much if you have stayed with me so far. I will try to continue with a chapter everyday. Any feedback is much appreciated (whether it's positive or negative). Until next time and get ready for a twist. ❤️❤️❤️

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