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"Alright, i'll stay but only for a while. I don't want to disturb your work." You said as you felt Tighnari's grip soften.

You took another chair and sat beside him. Tighnari looks at you, "Do you wanna know why I asked you to stay?" Looking at him and replied: "Well yeah, because you have a lot of stuff to do.."

"Its because I missed you." Tighnari said and held your hand without realizing, when he realized he was holding your hand he let go and looked away, there was a barely noticable blush when he looked at you again. "Im sorry I didn't mean to that.." "Its ok, you just miss spending time with an old friend." You called him a "friend" you basically friendzoned him.

After that you initiate a different topic and many conversations later you had to leave now to not further distract him from what he's doing.

Tighnari sighed when you left "Maybe i'll tell them tomorrow.." he said putting his head on the desk.

The next day Tighnari went to your house to finally tell you how feels. Walking closer to a familiar house which was your house. Tighnari hesitantly knocked on your door but there was no answer. You were probably away somewhere so he waited until you came back.

15 minutes later..

Those 15 minutes felt like many hours for Tighnari, so he was happy when you finally arrive but there was also a familiar person with you. That person was Cyno.

He was showing a slight smile walking with you, when you noticed Tighnari you said "Tighnari what are you doing here?" Tighnari walks to the both of you. "To hangout with you ofcourse."


He wanted to confess his feelings for you. "Me and Cyno hanged out together today and im pretty tired. Maybe some other time?" Cyno is spending time with you? You both looked really close.

"I understand but why is Cyno here right now?" Tighnari looked at the male beside you.

"Im jusy making sure they get home safely." Cyno looks at you and then at Tighnari.

"I better head back to Gandharva ville. See you when I can." Tighnari walks away.

Tighnari went back to Gandharva ville looking a little upset. Collei noticed this right away.

She went up to Tighnari "Master Tighnari! Based on your face.. you didn't do it?" Tighnari sighed, "I didn't,  they were with Cyno. I thought I'd never have a chance so I left." His ears drooping showing that he's sad and went to his place leaving Collei.




A few days have passed Tighnari went to see you again.





You were infront of your house about to leave but then you see Tighnari. "Tighnari! I was actually about to visit you. Please come in!" You let him enter your house.

"May I ask why you're here?" You questioned looking at him.

"Im here because I wanna ask you something.."

"Sure go on." You said.

"So.." He stopped for a bit. "Have I been missing something for a while? Are you and Cyno?.." You realized what he meant "Dating? No we aren't why do even wanna ask that? Unless.." you smirked a little and Tighnari panicked.

"Unless.." you repeated again, "You like Cyno!" Tighnari opened his mouth but no words came out.

"Don't worry I support you! After all you're my friend." You hugged him tightly.

"No (Y/N) you misunderstood, its just that you both have been so close lately so I just assumed that you guys were." You pushed away from the hug saying, "Oh."






Some time has passed with Tighnarj in your home. You both talked about some things.

Tighnari had to leave because of his patrols so you had to say bye to him now.

There was a kind of weird feeling inside you.

You repeated what he said earlier about Tighnari thinking you and Cyno were dating. You assumed that he like Cyno too quickly.

'What if he actually likes Cyno?' You said in your mind.







After 2 hours you hear a knock on your door.

You opened the door to see an unfamiliar small figure.

"Hello, you must be (Y/N), the traveler had told me about you. Im happy I was able to find where you live, nice to meet you."






Will you guys forgive me if I give you this picture its an adorable pic of Tighnari I found in pinterest <3

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