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  "Come in", Commander Rex Lapis was behind his desk looking at a stack of papers while rubbing his temple. Lumine entered and greeted the commander by putting her hand on her chest and bowing her head. "You called?" 

  "Yes. You have nothing to do at the moment, correct?" She nodded. "Would you mind covering for James? He's not back from his mission but should be returning soon." Lumine shook her head, she didn't mind but she wondered what it was that she was to do. "Not at all, commander. What is it that I will be doing?" The commander looked away as he avoided eye contact with her. She lifted one eyebrow as to question his reaction. "Uhh... ", he lowered his voice "...training the recruits..." 

  He looked up to see Lumine's face. Her eye twitched for a second before she slightly shook her head. "You are sure James isn't just hiding out somewhere so he doesn't have to do it? I could go look for him." Zhongli sighed and sat back in his chair. "This is the only time I'll ask you to do it.When he returns, I'll have him clean the horse stables if you'd like." No one liked this job. Training recruits was troublesome as it was, and you'd never know what they could be planning. 

  At that moment Lumine wished that Tartaglia would call for her because he's bored or something but alas, the ginger prince was busy with his own duties. She sighed and looked back at Zhongli. "Do as you please. But if you hear anything about what happens just know, you assigned this to me know what might occur." The commander chuckled a bit before nodding. 

  Lumine bowed her head and left the room, closing the door behind her. Let's see what kind of brats we have this time around. 


  "I heard our instructor isn't here." One recruit said. "Ha, probably chickened out last minute." Said another. "Yeah, but I DOUBT the commander will give us a free day just because the instructor isn't here." The third proclaimed. "Hmm? I wonder who he'll send as a substitute. If its the great Commander Rex Lapis, surely he'll have someone for the job." The first gestured. "Yes and if there isn't anyone available... would he come and teach us himself?" Asked the third. "If the commander comes then I suppose we should be serious unlike how we are at the other sessions." The second answered.

  "You all have quite the sense of humor." The three recruits looked up to see a woman with  blonde hair to the nape of her neck and the sides down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright amber shade and her face was so serious, she could kill with one glance.  All of the other recruits were standing in formation. "To think that I was going to go easy on you just because you're recruits.... well, now i've changed my mind."

  They looked at her with confusion. This is our instructor? Ha this is gonna be fun.  "You, the cocky one who likes to laugh", she pointed at the second recruit, "Stand up. You're going first." 

  He smirked and made his way for the middle where he was to fight an opponent, another recruit. Lumine stood about 7 feet in front of him, swinging her sword from side to side then she pointed it at him. 

  "Your move first..."

~𝓒𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓼~       Chilumi Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now