Blades hit each other, sounds of metal clanging and sweat dripping. Lumine didn't want to accidentally slash Tartaglia, it was almost impossible though. His attacks are hard to counter, so she blocks them. Tartaglia, on the other hand, was trying to get the blonde hit him. 

  "C'mon Lumine, we're sparing not I hit and you block." He swung for her side. She stepped back, dodging the swing, and kicked his sword upwards. The knight then lunged for the prince's sword, planting it in the ground and sword against his neck. She was panting and so was he. "Haha, that was pretty smart of you. But you would've ended it faster if you hit me-- even once." 

  Lumine sighed and lowered her sword. "Must I say this again? I don't want to hurt you. The last thing I want right now is to have the prince's blood on my hands." She gave him a bottle of water and a towel. He plopped himself on the ground and drank the water. "If you keep spoiling me like this, then I won't survive in the real world. Imagine Treasure Hoarders picks a fight with me. I don't know what they'll do, but I do know they won't be as nice as you." The blonde raised a brow at the ginger. He knows very well how to sword fight, he's even good at close combat. She knows where he's going with this. 

  "Fine. We'll spar for real but with wooden swords. Less chance of drawing blood that way." Lumine stood up to get the wooden swords from the armory, when she felt an arm tugging the back of her shirt. "Why use the wooden ones when we have the reals ones here. Plus both of us don't have much time left until we've got to do work stuff." She moved his hand, hers being cold due to the gloves she has on. "Your Highness, I can't risk hurting you when my job is to protect you." 

  Childe was looking at their hands, still being in contact. His ears were red, he was grateful that she couldn't see because of his hair covering them. An idea popped into his head as he smiled. He then took her hand and put it between both of his. "You must be tired. Allow me to go fetch them. They're in the armory, right? Wait here, I'll be back in a bit." Before the knight had the chance to object, the prince had already dashed off. She sat on the bench swinging her legs and studying her boots. "What got him to change his mind so quickly, he's usually quite stubborn." She muttered to herself.

  Around 3 minutes later, Lumine spotted the ginger making his way back. He didn't have the swords with him, but what really confused her was the fact the he was smiling. Something is off. "Were you not able to find them?" He sat down beside her, still smiling. "Oh, I found them but I don't think we can use them." Lumine tilted her head. "How so?" Tartaglia rested his head on her shoulder, which caught her by surprise. "Because they're all broken." 

  The blonde was quiet for a moment. She blinked trying to process what the ginger had just said. "You know what? I think we've sparred enough for today. How about we rest for a bit, hmm?" Lumine was still quiet. Childe turned his head, now his chin hovering above her shoulder. He gently placed his fingers on her cheek and turned her head to face him. "You good? Tired, perhaps?" She nodded. He sighed and rested his head on her shoulder once more. "I'm guessing you didn't sleep again. Take this chance to rest, I don't want you to collapse."

  Tartaglia was expecting her to object but to his surprise, she was still quiet. That made him sad, he liked hearing her voice. The ginger felt a head rest on his. A red flush appeared across his freckled face, Lumine couldn't see it though. "If you rest with me, perhaps I will."

Boba's note:

Aiya, I suck at writing fight scenes. Hopefully it gets better

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