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  "ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHH!" Tartaglia dropped his head onto the pile of papers in from of him. "Do I really have to do this?" A servant with brown hair named Simon was sitting across from him.  "Yes, your Highness. I know it's hard but it's important so that you can be a great ruler." The prince lifted his head. "No no, you misunderstood me. This isn't hard." Simon looked up from the papers in front of him. "If it's not hard then what's the problem?" "It's boring." 

  Simon rolled his eyes. This isn't a surprise coming from him. "Then think of this way: If you can finish all of this, you won't have to do it later." Childe put a finger on his chin, he looked deep in thought. He then smiled and picked up his pen. "Alright, but you're not leaving til I finish." The servant sighed, "Yes, your Highness." 

  After 4 hours of papers, pens, and coffee, the men had finished. Tartaglia threw his pen and laid back in his chair. "FINALLY! Now get these papers out of my sight before I rip them." "Haha, very funny, your Highness. But if you rip them then we'll have to start alllllll over." The prince bolted up taking one of the candles with him. "On second thought, I'll just leave. Night, Simon." Simon replied with a simple hum.

  The ginger was speed walking though the hallway and down the stairs as quickly and quietly as he could. "Knowing her, she's still awake." He mumbled to himself. When he reached the door, Childe took a deep breath and knocked lightly. Seconds later the door opened and a blonde poked her head out. "Oh, your Highness. Please come in." He smiled brightly. "Why, thank you."

  Tartaglia looked around the room. A candle was lit on a table with papers and a large mug. "Haaa papers, I'm starting to hate them." He grabbed a chair and put it in front of the table and sat. His eyes looking around the table, he picked up the mug and sniffed it. "Hm? Coffee? At this time? How long do you plan on staying up?" Lumine sat on the chair across from Childe. "Until I finish this. Oh, did you need something?" 

  "No. I came because I missed you." The blonde's brows dropped. She looked a little lower and turned away. The ginger was confused by this. "What? You don't miss me?" "It's not that. Your shirt is uh..." A red flush appeared on her face. The prince looked down and saw that his shirt was showing some of his chest. Ahh, I'd forgotten that I took off the vest earlier He looked back up to see Lumine checking her shirt. She was making sure that nothing was showing. Hmm, cute. 

  Tartaglia smiled. Looking at her in more light he could see how tired she looked. He stretched out his hand and placed his fingers under her eye. "Why don't you sleep now? I'll tell the secretary to finish this work tomorrow." The knight stared at the prince for a moment. His hands were warm on her face. 

  She wanted to sleep, she really did. The blonde took the ginger's hand off her face and looked down. "I can't. These papers are for the ball in two weeks. I need to finish them as soon as possible. Thank you for your concern, your Highness." Childe was not satisfied with that. Lumine could collapse at any moment if she doesn't rest. The commander used to always make sure she slept, but he's been busy for a while now that he can't check up on her. "Then I'll help you. This is less boring than political affairs. And I'm not taking no as an answer." Lumine sighed, she didn't want to argue with him. "Fine." Tartaglia took the mug from in front of her. "And stop drinking this, we'll finish faster now that there's two of us." The blonde nodded. 

  The time was around 3 in the morning. The ginger felt his eyes about to roll back. How does she do this every night? He looked in front of him and his eyes opened up. She fell asleep with her hand holding her cheek. Childe stood up and picked her up. "You'll get a cramp from that position." He whispered. She was quite light, not that he thought she was heavy, but lighter than he thought. "You probably skip meals too. Ahh what am I to do with you." 

  He placed the blonde on the bed and put a blanket on her. It wasn't that big, she did protest about having a big bed, but it was comfortable. The ginger blew out the candles and got into the bed with her. Even in the dark, he could still see her pretty face. Tartaglia hugged Lumine and hesitated before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Good night, Lumi." 

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