As I Don't Recall

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In the meantime, Lex had work to do. 

She was running out of time, and she needed a back-up plan in case Q2's mission off-base failed. 

The closest thing she could find to the chemical make-up of Eclium on base was Binnoturnium. A cleaning agent the droids used to remove hazardous materials from the trash compactor, which when chemically manipulated, had recently become a sedative and highly addictive illegal street drug all across the galaxy. 

However, in modest amounts, it had proven to be highly effective in every medical condition from pain to psychosis. 

But it was highly complicated to work with and lethally unforgiving. 

Lex was busy at her work desk, carefully testing a neutralizing agent with droplets of Binnoturnium in a beaker.

And only when she was caught off guard by the smell of Kallidahin bagels somewhere in the halls, did she realize her meal hour had come and gone. 

Spotting the refreshment droid hovering pass her work hub, Lex couldn't resist the bait.

Sealing the door behind her so no one would disturb her unfinished work, Lex hunted down the refreshment droid and bribed her into letting her keep 2 extra bagels in exchange for some extra tune-up time.

After picking her bagels and a flask of Daro Root Beer to get her through the night, she carried the armful back to her hub, wondering how she would then scan her access code with her hands so full.

Where was Q2 when she needed him?

But lucky for her (or rather, unlucky for her, depending on one's perspective), Lex didn't need to touch the access panel to get in.

Someone had already done it for her.

But it was not the medical droids she found snooping around her hub.

It was Kenobi.

Quietly examining her beaker experiment as he stood over her work desk.

And yes, it had to be that beaker.

The one with the Binnoturnium Lex still knew very little about, which she had unwittingly left to explode on the burner while she was gone.

And her mistake to think a locked entrance meant anything to a Jedi.

"Lt. Medical Commander," he greeted her.

"Obi-Wan," she returned the greeting, eyeing him suspiciously as she walked to her desk and dropped her bagels on top.

Why was it so hard to get rid of this Jedi?

"Pardon my intrusion on your work, commander," he said. "But your beaker seems to have detonated. It had to be stopped."

And it was then Lex knew that this would be a very, very long night for her.

"Well, thank goodness you were around to stop it, Master Kenobi," Lex pretended to be relieved. "How careless of me."

Could he sense her heart pounding against her chest as his cerulean eyes study the chemical residue in the beaker?

Had he discovered what she was really working on?

"You shouldn't play with that," Lex warned him. "They only let me keep so many beakers around here." 

Heeding her request, Obi-Wan commanded the Force with one nonchalant wave of his hand, and Lex's beaker floated obediently back to her desk, safely away from the burner she'd accidently left it on.

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