Chapter 9.

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I woke hearing the sound of rustling coming from my kitchen. I sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. -hello?- I called out. I hadn't actually realised I had fallen asleep, but Michelle always knew how to relax me instantly. Just something she had somehow worked out over the years.

-don't worry babe, its only us- Chelles voice piped up from the kitchen. Us?! I thought it was only Michelle here, who the hell was the other person? -us? what do you mean us? whos the other person, I thought it was just you Michelle- I ran my hands over my face trying to wake myself up a little bit more. -Well, someone else wanted to come and see you, considering everything that's gone on.-

I was still none the wiser as to who this other mystery person was. In my Kitchen. With Michelle. She was driving me crazy with the riddle type way she was answering my questions. -Michelle, just...- as I was about to ask her to just tell me who was there with her, Peter came walking in from the kitchen.

-I just wanted to come and make sure you were ok- He said softly, sitting down next to me on the sofa. -can I have a cuddle?- He asked softly, I knew he didn't want me to say no. I wasn't going to, I wanted to cuddle him. I wanted to be in his arms. There was just something about him that id always loved. That I never wanted to be without. I just melted into his arms. Almost like I NEEDED his touch, needing to feel his arms around me. He always made me feel safe.


I smiled on as I saw Carla's interaction with Peter. It was like they had never been away from each other. They were soul mates, I just knew it. They just clicked, they just got on. -Uh, sorry to interrupt, but teas nearly ready- I smiled as Peter kissed Carla on the head and walked into the kitchen to help me with plating up.


Later on in the evening, I got the chance to talk to Peter. -Peter If you don't want this baby, I wont make you stay, ill just do everything myself.-

-No, No! I want to stay with you, I want this baby. I want you. I was us. I want our family.- that reply took me by surprise. I didn't think he would want to stay with me.

-Oh, and Carla...- I looked over at him

He got down on one knee

-Carla Connor.... I've always loved you and always will. I never want to be without you. so... will you marry me?-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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