Chapter 2.

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I sat in the rovers, nursing my glass of wine, thinking about the news I'd just been told. I didn't know what to make of it. Do I just take the news as a good thing and accept Johnny as my dad? Or do I just tell him to do one after what he decided to do AND the fact I wasn't even planned... my mind was racing, such a mess. I didn't even notice Michelle coming over. 

'Penny for them?' She put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me out my thoughts. 'Hmm? Huh?' I looked up 'Oh, it's only you 'Chelle..' I put my hands to my face. 'Oh! Don't sound too happy to see me then!' She studied my face for a while.. 'Come on, whats up?' She sat down opposite me.. 'Nothing , Chelle. I'm fine' 

'Oh, so you hardly touch your wine on a regular basis then?' .... 'Yeah..' I tried to sound normal. 'Oh come of it, Carla! You ALWAYS drink your first glass without fail.. So come on.. this isn't the Carla Connor I know. Whats wrong?' She put her hand on top of mine, it was a sure fire move to make me talk and she knew it. 

I sighed loudly and paused... 'That bad is it?' She half laughed. 'It's Johnny...' I looked her in the eyes. 'What about Johnny?' 'I've just found out he's my dad' She looked shocked, I didn't blame her. It was a lot to take in.. and there was a lot for me to thinking about. Just as well as there was for her.. I mean, this now meant that me and her were family... Cousins if you will. 

She sneered and looked at me in disbelief.. 'You what? You've got to be joking me!' I looked her in the eyes again.. 'Why would I lie about something like this Michelle.. I'm being deadly serious' 

'When did he tell you this?' She reacted in sort of the same way as I did.. Angry and Confused. 'About an hour ago.. actually, HE didn't even tell me.. He got Aidan and Kate to come in first and tell me.. he then came in afterwards.. You know, tail between his legs begging for me to be cool about it and accept the fact he chose not to tell me, in the 41 years I've been alive that he's my dad! How the HELL does he expect...' She stopped me before I went any further.


'Woah, Woah, Woah.. Carla, come in the back. Calm yourself down' I could tell she was getting angry, I didn't want her causing a scene in the pub, and I don't think she wanted the whole pub knowing her business, although I'm sure that it would all come out after a while. Nothing ever stays a secret for long around here.

'Why now Chelle?! Why does he choose now? I was doing so well for myself, you know, my own business, Me and Nick being close friends.. Own place. Business going from strength to strength... Why does he have to come and flaming mess up my mind?!' I wanted to hug her but I didn't know if that was going to annoy her more or not... 'Carla, Carla, calm yourself. Stress isn't good for you, you remember what the doctor said'

She sighed and downed her glass. I could see this was going to be a long night.. ' I guess I'm going to have to walk you home at the end of tonight?' I half laughed. 'Probably..' Came her reply. 

Before I knew it, we had been sat in the back for a couple of hours and Carla had polished off a bottle and a half of wine. She looked on the verge of tipsy, but, you never could really tell with Carla. Her body was so used to her drinking most nights that she would never really look drunk, and then she would just suddenly hit the deck like a sack of potatoes. 

She grabbed her bag, a bottle of wine, downed a large amount and headed out to the street... 'Carla?!' I followed her, I had an idea of what she was going to do, I didn't know how I was going to stop her from doing it, but I was sure as hell going to try...

I took my eyes off her for what seemed like 2 seconds and she was gone. I panicked. Where was she? She wasn't in the right frame of mind.. Then I remembered... She had her car keys! 'Fuck!' I said to myself. I started to run as fast as I could towards Victoria court and that's when she came speeding round the corner... that's when I heard the sound I never wanted to hear... 

I ran as fast as I could and I saw something that I will NEVER forget.... 'CARLA...!!!'

CARLA CONNOR - DADDY PROBLEMSWhere stories live. Discover now