Chapter 6.

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'Well?' I was slightly nervous now, and thats not something that happens to me very often.. 'This uh, this says you're pregnant' 

'WHAT?!' I didn't know what to think or do... was it Nicks or.. *ahem* I'm not going to talk about the other possibility.

I sighed. 'Who's is it?' Kate chimed in 'Nicks.. obviously' I thanked god right now that I was so good at lying sometimes, that I could make anything believable. 'And are you happy about it?' I just stared for a little bit, taking it all in. I was going to have a baby, it was a shock to say the least! 

'Yeah, of course I am!' I said smiling over at Kate. 'Are you sure?' Nick said, putting his hand on mine. 'Yeah' I smiled at him 'i'm shocked but that doesn't mean to say that im not happy about it' I pulled myself up the bed a little, getting comfy. 

'Little baby Connor on the way then!' Michelle smiled. She looked excited at the prospect of a new niece or nephew. I just smiled over at her 'Yeah, I guess you're gonna have to come baby shopping with me!' She got even more excited 'Oh god yeah! wait... what if it's twins?!' She smiled over at me and I just laughed at the idea 'I don't think it will be twins, 'Chelle''

I spent, what felt like an eternity at that hospital. With everyday filled with tests, tests and more tests, even a scan thrown in there for good measure. Then, finally, the day came when Nick came in and told me the good news 'they said you can go home today, if you're feeling up to it' I couldn't keep the smile from my face. 'Im SO ready to leave this place. I'm sick of the same 4 walls all the time. They won't let me go for a walk anywhere, they won't even let me walk up and down the ward! I think I'm starting to get cabin fever!' I laughed and got up, starting to pack my things. 

'Are you sure you're okay?' Nick asked me as I carried on packing my things. 'Yeah! Of course i am! I wouldn't be so eager to leave if I wasn't' I smiled and carried on packing my things. 'Alright, as long as you're sure!' He smiled and I finished packing. 'You ready then?' 

'Yep, more than!' I smiled, took his hand and we both walked out of the room, down the corridor and out of the ward. I sighed a sigh of relief as I was finally free of that place, I didn't want to ever come back to this place, well, only for positive things, not negative.

We arrived at the car, Nick unlocked it and we both got in. 'I don't mind driving' I smiled over at him and was half joking. 'No chance, Connor! You're not getting hold of this car. We'll get you your own car. You can get around that way!' 

'Do you not trust me?! because of what happened?!' I sighed and looked out the window. 'Well, you DID crash your car, full throttle, into a wall...' I just sighed again and carried on looking out the window. 'Have I said something wrong?' 

'Said something wrong?! Nick you've accused me of deliberately doing it! Even tho you knew my mental state at the time, you knew I wasn't in the right frame of mind and you STILL say that.' It was a silent car ride home. Both of us walked up to the flat, again in silence. I couldn't believe that he had actually held that against me. Of all the things I had done. Some worse than this, he chose to hold this against me. 

We got to the flat and I opened the door. 'You know what Nick. I don't think there's any coming back from this. We can't go back to how we were if you're holding almost everything against me.. So, I want you to go. Get your stuff and leave' 

He didn't say a word. He just silently accepted what I had said and went to pack his things. 'What about the baby? What are we going to do?' I sighed as I sat on the sofa. 'Well, I can't stop seeing your child Nick, but, I don't think there's a future for us. I'm sure we'll work something out' 

'Alright, whatever you say, Carla' 

And with that he left. 

CARLA CONNOR - DADDY PROBLEMSWhere stories live. Discover now