Chapter 5.

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Nicks POV. 

I was going out of my mind waiting for them to finish 'Stabilising' Carla in the room. I don't know what they had to do to her but my mind thought of the worst... -What if she died again? -What if something happened and she couldn't remember anyone again? - What if she became brain dead?- The Carla I knew and loved wouldn't be the same again.. I couldn't bear the thought of that happening. 

I came out of my thoughts to Michelle coming back from the coffee machine with a coffee for me and herself. I suddenly turn to Michelle. 'What if she dies today, Michelle?' 'I'm sorry.. have you met Carla Connor? She seems to be the strongest one out of the lot of us!' She passed me my coffee 'Thanks. I know she's a strong'un but, I just.. worry a lot of the time, and, I can't seem to stop it from happening half the time. Especially when it's to do with someone I care about a lot' 


'I know, Nick. I know you care, and, I know you worry. So do I. She's my cousin, so naturally, I'm worried too. but, I know that she's strong and she can pull through anything. I mean, she's done much worse things in the past'

Nick just sighed. As did I. I knew Carla was stupid enough to do something like drink driving but not to go crashing her car as bad as she did. I sat there and started to day dream. 

'Carla Connors family?' The doctor came out, pulling me out of my day dream. 'Yep?' Both me and Nick stood up instantly. 'She's in a stable condition, actually doing better than we expected that she would do when she came in to us earlier' I don't know about Nick, but that made me feel a lot better about everything. 'She will have quite a bit of recovery to be doing when she does leave here, but, I expect that she will make a full recovery' The doctor smiled. Both me and Nick smiled. The doctor headed off to her office. Me and Nick both hugged each other. 'She's going to be okay, Nick! I told you she would be. She's got a lot more annoying people to do before she finally does leave us' I laughed and Nick smiled at me, again. 

'I can't believe it! I'm just, just, so happy' He exclaimed to me. I turned around just as Johnny and Kate were walking through the door. 'How is she? Is she okay?' Kate asked, almost on the verge of tears. They both looked worried and a little confused as to why me and Nick were so happy about things. 

'Well? How is she? Michelle, please. Tell me whats going on with Carla' Johnny then chimed in. 'She's fine. The doctor said she's stable and is going to make a complete recovery' I told them exactly what the doctor had told me and Nick only moments prior. They both sighed with relief. 

'So, when can we go and see her?' 'Me and Nick were about to go in. Do you want to come in with us?' Nick started walking slowly as I grabbed my coat and bag. 'Do you even need to ask that question?' They both smiled and we all walked in together. I say her sat up slightly in her bed and she smiled at us... 'So, Mrs Connor! What do you think you're doing, scaring us all like that?!' 

'Well... gotta get my kicks somewhere...' She smirked at me and I just tutted at her, rolled my eyes and smiled. 

'Well.. uh.. talking about getting your kicks Carla...' Kate butted in before I could say anything else, she was reading Carla's notes, she was nosy like that. 

We turned and looked at her.

 'Kate... What're you on about?' 

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